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October 17, 2024
What is the debate surrounding marijuana use?
Legislation around marijuana differs from country to country. Some allow its use for recreational and medical purposes, while many still ban it as an illegal drug. With its increasing medical uses, its overall impact and risk are becoming more overlooked
18 year-old Emilia Wilkin discusses marijuana use around the world
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October 10, 2024
How to stay sane during the college application process
The process of applying to university has been an incredibly stressful time for me. I have questioned my decisions and abilities, and struggled with time management. Thousands of people go through this process every year
17 year-old Maria Mitko shares her experience and gives advice on applying to college
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October 10, 2024
Exercise is not a cure-all: we should support mental health with compassion, not pressure
Exercise is often praised as a natural mood booster, and research shows that physical activity can improve mental well-being. But we need to approach the subject with more sensitivity, as not everyone can simply ‘get moving’
16 year-old Anna Wilkin explores the complex relationship between exercise and well-being
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October 03, 2024
Refugee women in Armenia build community through knitting
The Shuhel group, supported by the feminist peacebuilding NGO Women’s Center Shushi in Yerevan, provides a space for refugee women to build community and knit, sew, embroider and sell their handcrafted quilts, jewellery, and other goods
18 year-old Alyona Sargsyan explains how an initiative in Yerevan offers a safe space for women
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October 03, 2024
Our nation’s backbone is caught in the crossfire of racism
Not going to lie, getting subjected to crossfire racism sucks. Not only do you realize that “this person is racist”, but being a victim of crossfire racism can make a person feel like their only identity is their presumed race, which has severe implications on both the mind and the body
16 year-old Reva Sobti is the winner of the Harbinger Prize 2024
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September 26, 2024
How media stereotypes of the medical profession damage perceptions and patient care
Whether through TV, film or literature, the motives of creatives are not to portray our healthcare professionals positively or even accurately, but rather to entertain
17 year-old Ananya Prasanna explores stereotypes of surgeons as arrogant, aggressive and uncaring
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September 12, 2024
Bangladesh’s prime minister resigns and flees the country after violent protests
Student protesters succeeded in ousting Bangladesh’s longest-serving prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, last month, after weeks of violent and deadly clashes with security forces
17 year-old Nare Arushanyan explains the recent protests in Bangladesh and their aftermath
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September 12, 2024
The fentanyl crisis is 'destroying lives'
In Mexico, official figures of fentanyl are sparse, but there have likely been thousands of deaths due to the drug. In Tijuana, a city controlled primarily by the Sinaloa Cartel, people die from overdoses daily. Despite a growing problem, many believe president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum will continue her predecessor’s policy of treating the drug cartels with “hugs, not bullets”
17 year-old Inika Singh explores the lucrative but deadly business of the infamous Sinaloa Cartel
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September 05, 2024
Many young Armenians dissatisfied with current government, but see no real alternative
Harbingers' asked 60 people aged 18-25 from different regions of Armenia a series of questions about the anti-government protests in the country between April and June
17 year-old Lana Tonyan and 16 year-old Anita Stepanyan report on the recent anti-government protests in Armenia
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September 05, 2024
How ‘nosy’ Armenians made my trip unforgettable
Armenians take pride in being ‘nosy’ – and that’s a good thing. Let me explain why. This eagerness to engage created a welcoming atmosphere making an unknown place less daunting
15 year-old Charlotte Wejchert on her contrasting experiences in Yerevan and New York City
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September 04, 2024
It was painful and horrible - why my acne made me feel different from others
My struggles with acne started from the age of 11 and for years I felt different from others. My journey taught me a lot, most importantly that it is only temporary
15 year-old Eliza Tomaszewska shares her struggles with acne and what others can learn from her journey
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September 02, 2024
Issues professional athletes face from the perspective of a young figure skater
Figure skating is my life and biggest passion, but I almost quit because of the pressures I had to deal with as a young athlete. Many people I have come across share similar feelings about the highs and lows of figure skating. But they wouldn’t give it up for the world
15 year-old Helena Ruszkowska takes us behind the scenes in the world of ice-skating competitions and the pressures young athletes face
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August 29, 2024
The US presidential debate left me disappointed, not inspired
Following the presidential debate, many Americans ended the night feeling like the global laughing stock of politics. Our politicians were too busy name-calling and slandering each other to reassure any of us voters that our country has a bright future ahead
17 year-old Emily Dorman assesses the unsatisfactory Trump and Biden election debate on 27 June
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August 29, 2024
Why corporal punishment is still common in Sri Lankan schools
Corporal punishment of children as a means of discipline has been prohibited in Sri Lanka, but is still regularly used in schools, with the excuse that it is part of the country’s culture
15 year-old Hesandi explores the status of corporal punishment in Sri Lankan schools
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August 28, 2024
From jail to fame: Who is the ‘infamous’ Gypsy Rose Blanchard?
Gypsy Rose Blanchard is known for the killing of her mother Clauddine “Dee Dee” Blanchard due to alleged abuse over 19 years. Now after serving eight and a half years in prison, she has become ‘infamous’ during her time behind bars following high public interest in her story
15 year-old Eliza Tomaszewska reports on the life of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who has gained an internet following after being released from prison
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August 22, 2024
The highs and lows of attending an international school in Tanzania
Attending an international school in Tanzania has opened up a world of opportunities that has changed my life for the better. But this journey has also been challenging
15 year-old Lidya Gasper shares her experience of attending a private international school in Tanzania
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August 22, 2024
How Armenian teens have adjusted to a new life, a year after fleeing home
Almost one year ago, in September 2023, the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, home to a significant Armenian population, fell under Azerbaijani control, prompting a mass exodus of more than 100,000 ethnic Armenians to Armenia. Five refugee girls now living in Yerevan share what has the past year been like
15 year-old Charlotte Wejchert interviews five refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh, now living in Yerevan
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August 22, 2024
What a female president means for Mexico and the world
Sheinbaum’s presidency marks an important milestone in the history of Mexico. Up until this point, Mexico was a country run by men, known for its persistently high levels of violence, especially against women
17 year-old Maria Mitko explores the potential impact of Claudia Sheinbaum’s groundbreaking election win
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August 15, 2024
How teens can help shape the political future of their countries
Despite the fact that you may be too young to cast your vote, you can still uplift issues that matter to you. By informing your communities, families, and friends about elections and political events dear to your heart you are already able to make a difference
15 year-old Lola Kadas shares how young people can get involved in political discourse
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August 15, 2024
Traditional Kyrgyz weddings are unnecessary and expensive
Weddings are a huge deal in Kyrgyzstan – a celebration of rich cultural traditions and rituals. And while it is an event that is worthy of being proclaimed, the costs of holding one are unjustifiable
18 year-old Kasiet Dzholdoshbekova shares how people can still honour traditions without the high price tag
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August 15, 2024
Chili, half-smokes, and history: Interviews in DC’s greatest landmark
Before even stepping into Ben’s Chili Bowl, there is the sense of walking into history. More than just a culinary landmark, though, Ben’s is a testament to the perseverance and community of the District of Columbia
17 year-old Justin Sau visits Ben’s Chili Bowl, a cultural staple in US civil rights history
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August 15, 2024
Armenia’s annual wine festival features producers from Artsakh
The festival acts as an important space to represent Artsakhian culture and significance. Among the wine-making producers were companies originating from the disputed region of Artsakh
17 year-old Laura Danielyan reports on Yerevan’s annual Wine Days festival
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August 08, 2024
How can America learn from Netflix’s Sex Education?
The show's success and relevance is not just due to its own quality, it's also because American sex education is not as effective as it should be. A lack of comprehensive sex education doesn’t mean a more or less conservative new generation — it means a less educated one
16 year-old Sanjana Senthil explores the problems with sex education programs in the US
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August 08, 2024
Capitalism and football – How Gen Z could influence high value deals
With a growing emphasis on environmental awareness and eco-friendly practices, we may see clubs align with sponsors focusing on green initiatives, reflecting the socially responsible spirit of modern sports
17 year-old Elias Malmqvist on how clubs and companies go hand-in-hand when it comes to business, and how youngsters can get involved
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August 08, 2024
How to start and keep a healthy diet without feeling overwhelmed
A balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients, enhances immune defence and promotes overall vitality. However, contemporary diets trends increasingly lean towards fast foods and processed items which has resulted in a surge of health issues
15 year-old Oliver Stachowiak examines the harms of added sugars offering steps for a balanced diet without feeling deprived
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August 06, 2024
The rise of female entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan
The rise of female entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan marks an important change in the country’s development. As these women continue to break barriers and redefine societal roles, they create a legacy of empowerment and growth
18 year-old Kasiet Dzholdoshbekova showcases stories of the dynamic women powering a new world in the heart of Bishkek
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August 06, 2024
How five overlooked female inventors changed our lives for the better
Women have made a significant impact on the world for hundreds of years. Their inventions may be widely known or used, from navigating us across the globe to saving time and lives. But do we know the faces of those behind them?
17-year-old Maria Mitko shares the stories of the women behind some of our world’s inventions that have helped change our lives for the better
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August 05, 2024
Being young is my superpower - I’ve learnt not to doubt myself
The next time you find yourself doubting your place among those older than you, why not ask yourself: isn't it time to embrace your unique strengths and show the world what the youngest among us can truly achieve?
13 year-old Lilly Stachowiak reflects on internalised ageism
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August 04, 2024
Schools should not start earlier than 9: Here is why
The idea of starting before 9 am might be justified from a traffic and energy savings perspective, but the benefits for the health and development of students far outweigh any potential disadvantages
15 year-old Olivier Stachowiak explains the correlation between early school start times and students’ well-being
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August 02, 2024
Social media and digital detoxing
A planned break from digital devices or a “digital detox”, has become more crucial for supporting our mental health and wellbeing. Unplugging from the internet will offer numerous benefits like improving our ability to concentrate and think clearly
18 year-old Katarzyna opines on the dangers of social media overconsumption
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August 02, 2024
Microtrends are the death of individuality – we should be wary of overconsumption
Microtrends are not subcultures. Rather than building a timeless closet, consisting of a foundation customisable to fit your style, people often opt for trending items. While this is great for businesses, microtrend consumerism is having a profound impact on our environment and individuality
17 year-old Maria Mitko hits out at the overconsumption of microtrends that ‘kills individuality’ across the world
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August 01, 2024
Calls to address fast food consumption amid increasing obesity concerns
As obesity is rising globally, organisations such as the World Obesity Federation and Cancer Research UK have called for more to be done to address the issue. The widespread appeal of fast food is said to be particularly appealing to young people with chains specifically targeting children through advertisements
15 year-old Olivier Stachowiak reports on fast food consumption and how advertising is being blamed for growing obesity levels in children and young people
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August 01, 2024
Forgotten herstory: five female scientists who changed the world
When I’m looking through my textbooks, I often see prominent male scientists described as ‘the father of.’ The same doesn’t go for women involved in discoveries, who are often hidden behind their male counterparts
17 year-old Ananya Prasanna shines a light on women in maths, palaeontology, chemistry and biology
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August 01, 2024
An interview with Kevin Tien: How a chef is countering hate with food-focused love
From his humble beginnings of cooking and experimenting with grilled cheese sandwiches and cooking out of necessity for his siblings, Tien has now inspired others to cook for a greater purpose and to support an important cause
17 year-old Christian Yeung in conversation with renowned chef Kevin Tien
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August 01, 2024
Who is Labour’s Rachel Reeves and what are her plans for the UK economy?
Following Labour’s landslide victory in the UK general election of July 4, Rachel Reeves has become Britain’s chancellor of the exchequer – the first woman in the role since it was created 800 years ago
17-year-old Camilla Savelieva profiles the UK’s first female chancellor of the exchequer
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August 01, 2024
Against all odds: Afghan girls want to learn
The message is simple. Education for children is a fundamental right, and our gender should make no difference. Afghan girls are the strongest girls. Just let them improve and study. Allow them back into school
17 year-old Zohra shares the unwavering determination of Afghan girls to pursue their education
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August 01, 2024
Olympic horse ‘abuse’ allegations: Animal welfare organisations demand change
Controversy surrounding horse treatment at the Paris 2024 Olympics has raised animal-welfare concerns in equestrian sports, leading to calls for urgent reforms
18-year-old Katarzyna Rynkiewicz reports on recent calls to address animal ‘abuse’ following animal welfare concerns at the 2024 Paris Olympics
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July 31, 2024
Balancing heritage and modernity: Westgate, Oxford
Nestled in the heart of Oxford, is the Westgate shopping centre that attempts to blend in with the historical architecture of its neighbourhood. Despite Landsec, Westgate’s builder company, claiming that the mall has ‘been seamlessly woven into the heart of the centre’, young shoppers seemed to disagree
13 year-old Lilly Stachowiak speaks with locals on the importance of architectural aesthetics
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July 31, 2024
Oxfordians concerned with the rise of ‘horrific’ UK stabbings
Oxford locals consider the rise of stabbings in the UK “unsettling” and “horrific” in light of the recent Southport attack, near Liverpool, in which three young children were killed. The incident reflects a larger problem, with knifes and sharp object offences back on the rise in England and Wales
17 year-old Elias Malmqvist on the rise of stabbings in the UK in light of Southport attack
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July 17, 2024
The ‘pink tax’ – another hidden weapon in the oppression of women
The so-called ‘pink tax’ may not be an actual tax, but it is an audacious and harmful way for businesses to make profit at the expense of women through misogynistic marketing schemes
16 year-old Camilla Savalieva explains what the ‘pink tax’ is and its consequences for women
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July 16, 2024
Reasons to visit the Narayanhiti Palace Museum in Nepal
Narayanhiti Palace was turned into a museum after the monarchy was overthrown in Nepal and the country was declared a federal democratic republic. It was designed for kings, but now it is open to everyone. We found six interesting things about the palace that everyone must know
Students aged 11–18 from the OXSFJ Nepal Project share their experiences after a recent visit to this royal museum
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July 12, 2024
How young Ukrainians are coping after two and half years of war
I spent a week in Lviv, Ukraine at the end of June, where frequent air alarms sounded day and night, generators hummed persistently, power outages were the norm, and nightly curfews from 12am–5am were strictly implemented
16 year-old Klaudia Bacza gives a first-hand account of the profound impact of war on Ukraine’s youth
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July 11, 2024
Are Americans normalising school shootings?
A voice comes over the speakers. Everyone knows where to go. It’s either a small closet, under the desks, or a boiler room, usually. We’re not supposed to talk, but people do, thinking this could never happen to us.
17 year-old Alia Saphier looks at possible solutions to the epidemic of gun violence in US schools
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July 11, 2024
No more lies - FTC bans minors from NGL app
On July 9, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) began to take action against NGL Labs, LLC and its cofounders, Raj Vir and Joao Figueiredo for several law violations, including unfairly marketing services to children and teens
17 year-old Christian Yeung reports on the latest ban on anonymous messaging apps for minors
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July 09, 2024
Boeing pleads guilty to fraud – misleading FAA regulators resulting in the loss of 346 lives
While accidents such as aeroplane crashes are rare, with the resources that Boeing has and the pressure from the US government and the public, one can hope that these unfortunate events will be limited in the future
16 year-old Noah Saphier outlines the timeline of the Boeing scandal
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July 04, 2024
My experiences – good and bad – as a third culture kid
In today’s increasingly globalised world, more children are growing up with influences from multiple ethnic backgrounds and cultures. These children, often referred to as ‘third culture kids’ navigate the complexities of two, three or sometimes even four different cultures in their everyday life
16 year-old Camille Hasbani on the experience of being French-Syrian and living in Denmark
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July 04, 2024
How gaming helped me to cope with anxiety and homesickness
Many people consider gaming a waste of time or a bad addiction. However, video games have been my sanctuary, a place to let off steam and find a moment of calm amid life’s storms
16 year-old Sofiia Didenko talks about the positive impact of video games
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June 27, 2024
How Gen Z adopted LGBTQ+ slang
You might have heard of ‘slay’, ‘tea’, ‘shade’ and ‘queen’... but do you know where they originate from? Gen Z and millennials use these terms, in a variety of situations, from complimenting and hyping up their peers to expressing disrespect or disgust. But few seem to actually know where this slang came from
17 year-old Cressida Anness Lorenz explains the origins of modern-day slang in queer subculture
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June 27, 2024
The dangerous rise of diabetes in South Asia
The rate of diabetes is increasing drastically across the world, but particularly in developing countries such as Sri Lanka and India. With expensive treatments, there is a rising importance to follow precautions to better protect health expenditure
15 year-old Lisindi Liyanage explores the past, present and future of diabetes in Sri Lanka
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June 27, 2024
Academic achievements do not define people
It is important to remember that arts-oriented subjects also require discipline and hard work. Simply because they require a different skill set to that of STEM subjects does not mean they should be overlooked
16 year-old Anna Wilkin explains why good grades aren’t the only way to measure success
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June 20, 2024
Poland’s LGBTQ+ policies must change to protect its youth
In the most recent Rainbow Map ranking Poland ranked last among EU members, and not for the first time. In a country that deems being queer unnatural how are young people supposed to feel safe in this environment?
17 year-old Maria Mitko decries Poland’s position as the ‘most homophobic country’ in the EU
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June 20, 2024
Alcohol, emotions and swearing: Five things I’ve found surprising about Denmark
The Danish capital, Copenhagen, has gained publicity among young people as a vacation hotspot and for its unique fashion sense. But what cultural differences in Denmark might catch you off guard?
16 year-old Varvara Tkachenko shares her experience as a Ukrainian who recently moved to Copenhagen
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June 20, 2024
Harrison Butker's speech feels like a scene from The Handmaid’s Tale
In a public speech full of misogynistic, homophobic and hateful comments, an NFL player has sparked widespread criticism. While free speech is a fundamental right in the US, at what point does it cross the blurry line into hate speech
14 year-old Helena Bruzdziak on a commencement by US football star and its misogynistic message
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June 13, 2024
NHS doctors at breaking point: long hours, low pay, physical and mental stress
This is the impact of public-sector strikes. Education stopped; healthcare workers not caring for sick people, backlogs, longer waiting lists. But strikes are happening for a reason. To stop the strikes and bring back order to our government-funded services, we must address the root of the problem
17 year-old Ananya Prasanna explores why junior doctors are striking for better pay and conditions
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June 13, 2024
How human rights advocate Sima Samar inspired me to never give up
Sima Samar is a strong supporter and advocate for her people, and girls like me are continually inspired by her work to make our futures better. Girls can take note of these qualities, despite the restrictions they may face, and become great leaders
16 year-old Swita expresses admiration for Afghan human rights activist Sima Samar, and discusses the key attributes of a good leader
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June 13, 2024
‘Say it loud, gay is proud’: A brief history of Pride Month
It’s June, which means that it’s Pride Month! Although it is still an ongoing battle to ensure equal rights and opportunities for the LGBTQIA+ community, we have come a long way since the early days of the Pride movement. So let us take some time to discuss the origins of this incredible celebration of queerness
17 year-old Christian Yeung outlines the history of Pride Month
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June 06, 2024
Gen Z has mixed reactions to the 2024 Met Gala
The 2024 Met Gala, being a celebration that brings together the worlds of fashion, entertainment, and art, has received its feedback from Gen Z audiences and there is a lot to say
16 year-old Klaudia Bacza dissects Gen Z’s reactions to this year’s Met Gala in New York
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June 06, 2024
Attending a Catholic school opens a new perspective inside you
I’m an atheist who has spent four years studying at a Catholic school in the UK. That may sound like a nightmare, but believe me it has been a valuable experience
17 year-old Jefferson He reflects on his experience as an atheist in a Catholic school
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June 06, 2024
Nineteen Eighty-Four: past, present and future
Nineteen Eighty-Four drew inspiration from the rise of totalitarian regimes by frightening readers with the threat of surveillance and loss of privacy. But what does that say about society today, where almost everyone has phones, tablets, computers, and smartwatches
17 year-old Justin Sau discusses the enduring relevance of Orwell’s masterpiece on its 75th birthday
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May 30, 2024
What does the looming TikTok ban mean for smaller business?
Almost 40% of small or midsized businesses say they rely on TikTok in order to be able to keep running. A ban could put a huge number of businesses at risk and threaten thousands of jobs
16 year-old Noah Saphier reports on the possible economic consequences of a TikTok ban in the US
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May 30, 2024
Can Gen Z use social media to learn?
While such platforms are often thought of as simply a waste of time and energy, I believe they can be used for much more than mindless scrolling through feeds – like learning
17 year-old Maria Mitko unlocks the potential of social media as an educational tool
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May 30, 2024
Meet five Harbingers’ students displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia
To “highlight the wealth that has been lost,” five teenage girls who fled Artsakh in the autumn of 2023 have joined the Armenian Newsroom of Harbingers’ Magazine
17 year-old Maria Mitko explains the background to Harbingers’ new Armenian newsroom
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May 23, 2024
Video games are the new way to experience stories
Video games are an untapped source of entertainment and stories. In a sense, it is a playable movie; something that you are both watching and controlling at the same time. Today, video games deliver a spectacle in both visuals and world-building
17 year-old Christian Yeung on the untapped potential of video games
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May 23, 2024
To be or not to be… an international student
Being an international student, attending different schools, seeing other countries and experiencing new environments gives you a lot of opportunities. You are able to find what you like and what you are good at, improve yourself and be prepared for the future
14 year-old Anastasia Kulikova explains the advantages of studying abroad
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May 23, 2024
Is the price of having an aesthetic too high?
With the rise of social media subcultures, aesthetics have become the new trend. This viral internet trend is becoming an obsession with reducing ourselves to a defined box and capitalising on our purchasing addiction to stay current, but at the expense of the environment and our authenticity
14 year-old Helena Bruździak delves into the social media phenomenon of Gen Z aesthetics
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May 16, 2024
Explainer: What is the blue economy?
As sustainability becomes significantly more prevalent in government policy, a goal for corporations, and a focus of social activism, the blue economy has the potential to shape millions of lives
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska explains the blue economy and its impact on youth employment
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May 16, 2024
Educational inequality in Australia: Is there a solution?
Australia’s selective school system was originally designed to provide free, high-quality education to gifted kids who couldn’t afford private schooling, but now it’s fuelling the education divide it sought to remedy
17 year-old Tanya Chi discusses the problems with selective schooling in New South Wales
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May 16, 2024
Energy in crisis: why nuclear power could be our future
Since the Industrial Revolution, one primary question has been central to all of humanity’s technological advancements: how do we generate enough energy? Historically, energy was generated with the easiest, cheapest, and most accessible fuel source: coal. However, the dangers of fossil fuels mean that we must find an alternative to ensure Earth continues to be habitable
18 year-old Erin Walshaw investigates our most controversial power supply
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May 09, 2024
Murder or holy grail? The controversies in stem cell medicine
In the field of regenerative medicine, the use of stem cells is a highly debated issue. With vast medical progress and promising results experts can’t help but ask “Is it worth one life if you can save thousands, or millions?”
17 year-old Swara Kulkarni examines the future of regenerative medicine
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May 02, 2024
Women-only spaces are necessary, not sexist. Here’s why
While opponents can claim that the exclusion of men amounts to sex discrimination, many argue that women-only spaces are a solution to gender inequality. These places prioritise women’s well-being and ultimately, have no negative effect on anyone
17 year-old Maria Mitko explains the importance of women-only spaces and announces the launch of the Women’s Desk at Harbingers’
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May 02, 2024
A novel approach to affordable housing – Habitat for Humanity’s $1 acquisition
As Gen Z enters the job and housing markets, the need for innovative solutions to the housing crisis has become even more critical. Working closely with volunteers, donors, and partner families, Habitat for Humanity is providing a needed solution
17 year-old Abigail Gonzalez Zavala sheds light on a new solution to her state’s housing crisis
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May 02, 2024
Gen Z’s opportunity to shape America: The current state of the 2024 US Elections
This November, Americans will cast their votes to determine who will serve as president for the next four years, marking one of the most polarized election cycles in the nation's history. With over 8mn more Gen Z voters since the 2022 midterms, young voters hold the power to significantly impact the result
17 year-old Emily Dorman explains Gen Z’s position on this year’s US presidential election
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April 25, 2024
How a fire helmet company is revolutionizing workplace inclusion
Phenix’s program, Opportunity for All, is dedicated to improving the employment rate of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) via an innovative education and working program. But it is also a smart business move
17 year-old Inika Singh interviews program administrator Bailey Comstock on how the California firm is helping those with intellectual disabilities
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April 25, 2024
Bugs for dinner? Why eating insects is good for you…
Insects are one of the most sustainable food sources we have. Across the world, eating insects remains an important tradition. But not in the West – instead, there are fierce stigmas that surround entomophagy
17 year-old Anna Louise Lovat explains entomophagy and why it could be the next big thing
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April 25, 2024
We are bored: Gifted students need challenge to thrive
Gifted and Talented programs have helped students worldwide to enrich their learning. MACC, the Vancouver school program which accelerated the pace of the standard curriculum, has now been redesigned to shorten the support provided to students
18 year-old Erin Walshaw talks about her experience as a gifted student in Vancouver – and the problems she faces
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April 18, 2024
The impact of climate change in Australia
In Australia, every decade since 1950 has been warmer. In New South Wales, the most populous state in Australia, locals share how the regularity of seasons has changed
14 year-old Anastasia Kulikova on the detrimental and highly influential effects of climate change in New South Wales
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April 18, 2024
‘Misinformation is now produced on an industrial scale’ – Concerns over propaganda on social media
Three in ten children aged 12–15 used TikTok as a news source in 2022. With the rapid growth of social media, misinformation is both accessible and actively promoted to vulnerable young people on an unprecedented scale
17 year-old Cressida Anness Lorenz interviews history student, Gabrielle Segal, on misinformation and propaganda
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April 18, 2024
A guide to Holi – The Hindu festival of colour
Celebrated during the months of Chaitra and Falgun in the Nepali calendar, Holi is a major event. In the capital, Kathmandu, it is full of noisy laughing crowds of people splattered in different colours
Students aged 11-18 from the OXSFJ Nepal Project shared their celebration of Holi Festival
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April 18, 2024
Esports is a sport. Period
Despite its rapid growth, competitive online gaming isn't given the same respect as basketball or football, with many still believing it is just an activity for lazy nerds sitting in their mom's basement. So why should esports be considered a sport?
17 year-old Christian Yeung on the acknowledgment that esports deserves
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April 18, 2024
Womansplaining mansplaining
Mansplaining. If you’re a woman, I can almost guarantee that you sighed at that word. Societal history has allowed for sexism to take route but there are steps we can take today to reevaluate and correct these behaviours
17 year-old Alia Saphier explains mansplaining and how to break the cycle
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April 11, 2024
Teens don’t owe you opinions
As a generation we are more motivated than most before us. In spite of adults attempting to skew the opinions of teens on a vast array of unsolvable problems we should craft our own opinions and choose which to fight for
16 year-old Sanjana Senthil on the overloaded choices young people face on social media
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April 11, 2024
How volunteers are helping to serve as a ‘beacon of hope’ in Afghanistan
Two years after the Taliban’s supposed temporary ban, another academic year has started, leaving girls in Afghanistan at a greater disadvantage. Inspired by the efforts of organisations to provide education to girls and women, I volunteered and witnessed the difference they can make
17 year-old Zohra on the resilient efforts of local organisations in providing life-changing opportunities to girls and young women in Afghanistan
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April 11, 2024
Keep or ditch the monarchy? The perspectives of young Britons
As time passes, younger generations are moving further away from the monarchy. From outdated traditions and scandals to the financial burden on taxpayers, young people outline their opinions on the topic
16 year-old Jefferson He interviews young people on their views of the UK monarchy
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March 29, 2024
Why Ukrainians speak Russian
When I’m asked why so many other Ukrainian refugees speak Russian, I am not sure what to answer, as the answer lies beneath complex layers of oppression from our neighbouring country – it is not a preference.
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko outlines the history of linguicide in Ukraine
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March 29, 2024
The importance of striking a healthy balance on social media
Social media is a realm where borders blur, friendships transcend geographical barriers, and voices resound across continents. But in the vast world of online platforms, we must use these tools wisely to avoid the growing dangers it can pose
17 year-old Shanhaza and 15 year-old Mahwa warn of the dangers hidden in social media’s vast potential
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March 29, 2024
Seven things you need to know about eating disorders
Eating disorders, which are among the deadliest mental illnesses, are on the rise worldwide. This article aims to delve into the history and nature of eating disorders, as well as explore the different types of support systems available
17 year-old Maria Mitko sheds light on the prevalence of eating disorders among young people
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March 22, 2024
Why are we resistant to traditional offices, and how can we repurpose vacant spaces?
I think my generation is so accustomed to online schooling that we can’t imagine ourselves working from an office. With both a climate and global housing crisis, we could repurpose these spaces to provide a much needed solution
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska on a work-from-home culture and reusing empty offices
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March 22, 2024
‘Her name was Liza.’ Violence against women is on the rise worldwide
Recent shockwaves over the brutal rape and murder of a women in Warsaw reiterate the dangers women face globally. It seems the United Nations SDG goal to ‘achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’ is far from being achieved by its 2030 date
15 year-old Klara Hammudeh reports on the global implications of a recent crime in Warsaw
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March 22, 2024
What young Afghan women want to achieve in the world of technology
Despite bans on women’s education and rights in Afghanistan, technology is enabling them to look beyond their restrictive environment to gain more knowledge and chase their dreams
13 year-old Naziya surveys Afghan women on the potential of technology as a tool of income and education
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March 15, 2024
We’re not ‘lazy’, technology has simply made jobs easier and more profitable
“Lazy,” “entitled,” “careless” and “lacklustre” are just some of the words used to describe my generation. But is Gen Z deserving of such names or are these just amplified misconceptions?
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev on corporate rejection amid the changing workplace
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March 15, 2024
Interning amongst disenchanted workers, I realised the reality of social mobility in Singapore
With a stable political environment to attract a large share of foreign direct investments, Singapore is no doubt an economic powerhouse. Yet it withheld a more ghastly truth – a vast cityscape of inequality and an overworked population
18 year-old Chenxi Zhang examines the dreams of young Singaporeans
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March 08, 2024
Singaporean LGBTQ+ community still faces a ‘long road ahead’ despite constitutional changes
Despite a shift in governmental policies towards the LGBTQ+ community, discrimination still exists. The government continues to advocate for family units being strictly heterosexual to ‘protect’ the marriage constitution
18 year-old Chenxi Zhang explores progressive steps towards equality
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March 08, 2024
How many water bottles is too many? The state of overconsumption in America
Stanley Cups recently saw an astronomical increase in sales coupled with a social media craze. Companies continue to capitalize on the fear of missing out and influencer-led marketing campaigns
17 year-old Christian Yeung speaks with economy expert Brianne Foley
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March 08, 2024
For thousands of teenagers worldwide, MUNs are a gateway to international affairs
Globally recognised as an ‘important contribution’, young people share with Harbingers’ the value of participating in MUN as it's todays teenagers who are “going to take” the place of politicians in the future
15 year-old Klara Hammudeh interviews Model United Nations participants from Poland
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March 01, 2024
10 things you should know about Nepal
From festivals and culture to world heritage sites and areas of natural beauty, teenage journalists in Kathmandu each share one fact about their home country Nepal
Teenagers aged 11-18 from the Mountain Children Home share the beauty of Nepal
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March 01, 2024
From stadiums to screens: the alarming rise of racism in football
With the ongoing 2023–24 football season, it becomes crucial to address instances of racism, which were one of the most commonly reported forms of discrimination last season
16 year-old Isaaq Hussain on persistent racism in football
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March 01, 2024
Why growing up as a young woman is scary: A teen’s perspective from Poland
Despite the global progress made in women’s rights in the past few decades, Poland still has a long way to go. The country’s strict abortion laws, gender pay gap and prescribed lifestyle for a woman’s future fills me with fear
17 year-old Maria Mitko on the daunting reality of womanhood
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February 23, 2024
Why disabled individuals ‘do not exist’ in Ukraine
You do not truly realise the extent of your detachment from reality until you encounter a person with a disability and notice the systemic conditioning that leads us to believe that disabilities limit individuals
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko outlines proactive steps to inclusivity
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February 16, 2024
Students and teachers fight back against the ‘library selection rubric’ in a Texas public school
Teachers and students in the school district have spoken out against the school board’s decision to filter the literature kept in classroom libraries after complaints from parents
16 year-old Sanjana Senthil explores book banning in the United States
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February 16, 2024
Oligopolies on the vaccine market hindered saving lives - should Pfizer have profited?
With the UK’s ongoing Covid inquiry, in which an independent organisation is examining the British government's response to the pandemic, it is worth asking – should this essential drug have ever been for-profit?
16 year-old Ananya Prasanna examines the profit incentives driving pharmaceutical advancement
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February 09, 2024
Media depicting women holds one main aim: Giving a space for women to be judged
Defining a woman starts with using words like ‘trailblazer’ and ‘independent’ and ‘controversial’. A set of words is quite a small frame to describe everything that a person could be
16 year-old Sanjana Senthil’s award-winning essay on Women’s Rights
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February 09, 2024
How can banks attract young customers? Understanding Gen Z's preferences
Student debt, AI improvements, and data privacy. In order to target a Gen Z demographic, banks must listen and adapt their engagement strategies
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska investigates young people’s priorities with banking
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February 02, 2024
Project helping to revive Ukrainian libraries in de-occupied and front-line territories
Russian soldiers have already destroyed more than 120 Ukrainian’s libraries since the full-scale invasion in 2022. A project called "Riznytsia Yе" asks people to buy and donate books to the affected libraries in hopes these efforts will prevent Russian influence
17 year-old Mariia Sydorenko on the ambitions of the project founder, Ukrainian journalist Emma Antoniuk
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February 02, 2024
What’s the whole buzz about? The Grammy Awards explained
As we approach the 66th edition of the Grammy Awards, held annually by the Recording Academy, here are the things you need to know to fully appreciate the upcoming ceremony
15 year-old Klara Hammudeh looks under the red carpet of Recording Academy awards
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January 26, 2024
The rise of careless consumerism among young people
Rapid consumerism fueled by short trend cycles are promoting an unsustainable mindset among the young that clothes are temporary and easily replaceable, ignoring the environmental crisis
17 year-old Shriya Kalluri explores the link between social media and fast-fashion
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January 26, 2024
How higher education consulting agencies have a stronghold on college admissions
Getting into a top university is getting astronomically more competitive. With more students turning to college admission consultants for an increased chance of being admitted, the playing field is far from even
18 year-old Chenxi Zhang on the US university admissions system
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January 26, 2024
Unattainable ‘angel status’. Patriarchy still skews the narratives of women in power
From fashion breakdowns to dating habits, selective media reporting has long attempted to reduce women in the spotlight to harmful gender stereotypes’
17 year-old Alia Saphier critiques the media’s continual repression of women
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January 19, 2024
Ropes or Syringes: A Closer Look at the Death Penalty in Singapore
An ethical question on the justification of the death penalty has been debated for decades if not centuries. With a majority 73.7% in public support, I was curious to find out for myself why so many Singaporeans backed a seemingly inhumane punishment
17 year-old Nicole Jin surveys locals on the morality of crime prevention
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January 19, 2024
Youth backs Idris Elba’s call to tackle knife crime. ‘Increasing policing is not a solution’
Young people in Oxford not only heard about the Don’t Stop Your Future campaign launched by actor Idris Elba, but recognise the need for better measures against the culture of violence among the youth
15 year-old Klara Hammudeh speaks with the Home Office and young people about knife crime
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January 12, 2024
Major economies tackling the housing crisis: Implications for the youth
The major economies, like the US, China, and the UK, aim to address the housing crisis amid growing concerns about widening affordability gaps. This article will explore how the situation will impact the younger generation who are at greatest risk
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev on the global economic outlook
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January 05, 2024
Israel-Gaza War: The multifaceted conflict that has resulted in decades of suffering
The recent conflict between Hamas and Israel has defined a bitter chapter in Israel-Palestine’s history. As the toll rises, the urgency of international attention is highlighted against a backdrop of ceasefires and broken truces
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova outlines the history of the modern conflict
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January 05, 2024
The lethal surge: How fentanyl addiction has taken hold of young Americans
Opioid addiction in the US is a “public health crisis” with a significant and fatal impact on the youth. Education on the dangers and dosage is a necessity for young people to protect themselves
16 year-old Camilla Savelieva reports on painkiller dependency
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December 22, 2023
Helping hands - How Afghan girls are instrumental in providing education
Organisations such as LEARN have been helping girls get an underground education by providing online classes such as science and web design lessons. Through their help and kindness, the power to offer opportunities to others is then passed on into our hands
17 year-old Zohra on the inspiring goal of helping young people follow their dreams
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December 22, 2023
“Wrap your mattresses!” French residents take action against bedbug crisis
The ‘crisis’ has been everywhere - across social media sites and national newspapers, highlighting the widespread panic. But what are these bugs and how is Paris trying to fight them off?
17 year-old Sofia Radysh answers the key questions and concerns over the outbreak
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December 22, 2023
COP28: Youth demands to be heard on climate justice on global stage
With the largest youth generation in history, young people have taken to the global stage to highlight their concerns and participate in climate change policy-making
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova reports on the COP28
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December 15, 2023
Four key takeaways from the US Republican presidential debate
The race is on for the next US president and seven candidates are battling it out to win the top seat. Here are the key takeaways and topics from the Republican presidential debate
17 year-old Aleksandra Lasek reports on American right’s internal debate
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December 15, 2023
We need to break the mental health stigma in football. Here is why
Mental health among football players is overlooked, despite being equally vital as their performance on the pitch. I strongly believe it deserves equal attention and recognition
16 year-old Isaaq Hussain argues against the culture of mental health suppression in football
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December 15, 2023
“We aren’t faking it.” Tic sufferer warns over condition’s representation on social media
From mediaeval peasants plagued by an uncontrollable urge to dance, to nuns experiencing mass possessions in convents - mass sociogenic illnesses (MSIs) have played a role in history and can also be seen in the present day
16 year-old Ananya Prasanna reports on mass social media-induced illnesses (MSMIs)
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December 15, 2023
Rap music on trial. Debate resurfaces over evidence ruling in Young Thug case
The issue of using rap lyrics as evidence in court has recently been reignited by such a high-profile case. Young Thug and his legal team assert that the use of lyrics in court is prejudicial and could affect his right to freedom of speech
17 year-old Cressida Anness Lorenz reports on using art as confession
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December 15, 2023
Nepal's historic equality milestone: First LGBTQ+ couple celebrate receiving marriage certificate
Last month marked a historic milestone for LGBTQ+ rights in Nepal, as the country officially documented the first same-sex marriage. Surendra Pandey, reflecting on this ground-breaking act said “this is a huge achievement not only for us but for all sexual and gender minorities”
16 year-old Jefferson He reports on minorities' rocky path towards legal marriages
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December 08, 2023
Vancouver's New Leaf Project: Providing direct cash assistance to homeless individuals
The initiative aimed to increase the financial stability of those unhoused has far surpassed its expectations. Those who received funds not only became more food secure but also found stable housing much faster, taking three months as opposed to five
17 year-old Erin Walshaw on the promising results to ease homelessness
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December 08, 2023
Don't just diversify the curriculum, decolonise it
The diversified curriculum does not challenge societal power structures which narrow the dominant perspective through which we view the world. It is imperative that we do not stop here
Sanaa Pasha on the diluted version of colonial history in education
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December 08, 2023
Fast fashion’s ugly secret. Numerous brands in legal trouble over intellectual property theft
The fast fashion industry has long been infamous for its exploitation of vulnerable labourers, waste production, and environmental degradation. More recently, however, intellectual property scandals have also mounted against some notable fashion corporations
16 year-old Tanya Chi reports on independent designers’ accusations
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December 08, 2023
Dreaming of home: How Armenian teenagers navigate the exodus and loss of Nagorno-Karabakh
Through interviews, the impact of the humanitarian catastrophe on children, young people and families culminated in a shared dream to someday return to their homelands
16 year-old Jefferson He chronicles the humanitarian crisis in Armenia, from the takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh), and its profound impact on the youth
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December 01, 2023
A ‘silent genocide’ in DRC is impacting millions of lives
In the heart of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) stands as a nation marred by a history of conflict and a tapestry of complexity. Described as ‘the silent genocide’, an ongoing conflict in the eastern region has cast a spotlight on the escalating tensions
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova breaks down the escalating tensions in the DRC
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December 01, 2023
Perhaps it is time to cancel ‘cancel culture’
To many, ‘cancel culture’ and the act of boycotting a public figure, has become an important tool of social justice. However, ‘cancel culture’ prioritises public condemnation without fostering constructive dialogue or providing opportunities for redemption
17 year-old Megan Lee on the social justice of "cancelling"
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December 01, 2023
How social media influencers reshaped the global marketing landscape
Social media influencers have become crucial drivers of the economy, and their contribution to the global market cannot be ignored. With the rise of social media, e-commerce has taken on a whole new level of significance
18 year-old Nadia Diakowska on the rising value of e-commerce
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November 24, 2023
Motivation is helping me face daily obstacles and it can help you too
Girls like me need all the motivation they can get to stay focused and overcome hardship. I’m 16 and I’m unable to get a proper education in my home country of Afghanistan. But I will not let those limitations determine my future
16 year-old Swita on finding daily inspiration and self-help
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November 24, 2023
Compared to dogs or children, women struggle in the Ukrainian army
Women are a vital part of Ukraine’s future victory but female soldiers continually face restrictions on their basic needs. Instead, women are treated as an object of entertainment rather than living, breathing, and equally capable human beings
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko speaks against the discrimination of women in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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November 24, 2023
How Claudia Goldin inspires me by shattering barriers in the male-dominated realm of economics
Goldin presented a previously unheard-of hypothesis arguing that access to the contraceptive pill played a vital role in accelerating the revolutionary increase in female workforce participation, doubling in size between 1960 and 1980
18-year-old Nadia Diakowska on the inspiration from this year’s Nobel Prize winner in Economics
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November 17, 2023
Destruction in devotion: how do cults weaponise human vulnerability?
The ambiguity of an ‘end to all’ has been used as a form of exploitation to keep people fearful and submissive – and Charles Manson’s “Helter Skelter” prophecy, a vision heralding an apocalyptic race war, might serve as an example
16 year-old Camilla Savelieva explores how cult leaders use fear to exert power
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November 17, 2023
Afghan teenager opens kindergarten to help children “fly off into the horizons of tomorrow”
Shanhaza, at the age of 15, opened her own kindergarten ‘Fly’ to provide free care for infants to equip younger generations with education and opportunity.
17 year-old Shanhaza on her dreams and goals in providing education
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November 17, 2023
Seven things you need to know about the UK Covid inquiry
The COVID-19 inquiry has become the focal point of current affairs in the UK. This guide aims to break down the independent inquiry and answer frequently asked questions
17-year-old Jinn Ong explains the inquiry into the UK’s handling of COVID-19
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November 10, 2023
Learning from Indigenous communities can drive sustainability amid the climate crisis
Indigenous communities make up only 6% of the global population but they conserve 80% of biodiversity. Sustainable practices and respect for the environment are built into their social doctrine which has been passed on for generations
Sanaa Pasha interviews climate activist Yusuf Baluch and Growing up Green founder Amy Campbell
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November 10, 2023
Police arrested 26 climate protestors for ‘serious disruption’ –- Thunberg among those charged
Among protestors stood 20 year-old Greta Thunberg who highlighted before her arrest that they “have no choice but to disrupt” because “our world is being swept away by greenwashing and lies”
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova reports on the Swedish activist’s legal trouble
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November 10, 2023
Florida is in the middle of ‘Hurricane DeSantis’ but there will be a rainbow after the storm
Florida may serve as a global punchline, symbolizing a strained political atmosphere, internal divisions, and challenges to democratic values within the United States, but the state holds profound significance for the individuals who call it home
16 year-old Emily Dorman on Ron DeSantis’ triad
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November 10, 2023
Unwritten Dreams. Do I stand a chance to break the generational wealth gap and live the American Dream?
Carved from my parents’ sacrifices, their hopes for a brighter future, and their resilience in the face of adversity, I was grappling with the complexities of “The American Dream” as I questioned whether it truly aligned with the narrative I was enveloped in
17 year-old Abigail Gonzalez Zavala analyzes her chances to make it in 21st century United States
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November 03, 2023
"We can drive systemic change" - Filmmaker urges youth to take action in climate crisis
A feature documentary in production, ‘1.5 Degrees of Peace’, aims to start conversations in the fields of climate justice, peace and disarmament through the power of storytelling
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova interviews Kasha Slavner
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November 03, 2023
The economics behind the UK’s planned ‘crackdown’ on vaping
The number of children using vapes in the past three years has tripled prompting Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to promise action against vaping, which is to create the first ever ‘smoke-free generation’ in the UK by 2030
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev analyses economic implications of legal suppression of the vaping industry
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October 27, 2023
Market economy and school choice improve academic outcomes, so why don’t we learn from science?
Academic variation driven by wealth and access inequalities shapes the present of today’s students. The income gap between lower and upper-class families is one of the greatest predictors of academic outcomes
17 year-old Grace Minakowski was the runner-up for the Harbinger Prize in Economics
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October 27, 2023
2023 set another record in temperatures. How will the climate crisis impact the economy?
Climate change does not only affect the economy when disasters occur – it impacts the economic wellbeing of people around the world through hard-to-perceive destruction of infrastructure, disruption of global supply chains, and the effect on agriculture
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska on the cost of the warmest September on record
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October 27, 2023
Denying treatment because women could get pregnant? That’s a new level of toxic absurdity
Women cannot be stripped of basic services, like healthcare, because of their so-called ‘function’, and the word ‘woman’ should not be synonymous with ‘mother’
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko speaks against curbing women’s rights in the US
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October 20, 2023
At 12, I promised myself a hysterectomy. That’s how ignorance of menstrual health tortures girls
Young girls like me will continue to suffer because periods are taboo and we are told period cramps are supposed to hurt. The pain of endometriosis is instead chalked up to female sensitivities, low pain tolerance, and the joys of womanhood
17 year-old Erin Walshaw was the runner-up in the Harbinger Prize in Reporting
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October 20, 2023
History of Australia’s offshore detention camps makes me sickened by my country
Christmas Island is a pristine pocket of land in the Indian Ocean, just below Java, where you will find crystal clear waters, beautiful stretches of white sand beaches, heavenly weather and a long history of human rights violations
15 year-old Tanya Chi essay was the runner-up in the Harbinger Prize in Humanities
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October 20, 2023
Visiting Himalayan vineyards. ‘In a century, Bhutan may be the only winemaking country in the world’
Bhutan may change all we know about wine. Planted in 2022 in Southern Bhutan, Mike’s Gelephu vineyard is an experiment in ‘reverse cycle harvest’. It is an example of how sustainability can become the driving force for innovation and economic growth
18 year-old Diar Boranbayev interviews Bhutan’s first-ever winemaker
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October 20, 2023
‘Deranged cultural standards’ - How Sri Lanka’s misogyny is impeding its economic recovery
McKinsey Global Institute estimates that advancing gender equality in Sri Lanka could add $64 billion to its GDP by 2025
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska analyses a negative feedback loop between inequality and poverty
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October 20, 2023
Are they ‘women politicians’ or politicians? - the challenges women still face in global governance
As a young woman with an aspiration to join the political world in the future, I couldn't believe the public impudence, the unacceptable behaviour one is signed up to tolerate
17 year-old Aleksandra Lasek on the gender bias in politics
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October 20, 2023
Why the hell is Holden Caulfield the most relatable character I’ve ever read about?
It is extremely hard to know exactly how we wish our lives to turn out at sixteen. Holden is a byword for this identity crisis, reflecting my experience having contradictory feelings running through at such a pace that I feel trapped and unable to process it all
16 year-old Maria Mitko watches her reflection in Salinger’s famous novel
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October 20, 2023
‘Everyone needs hobbies’ - Afghan girls share what makes them happy
From sports to reading and writing, Afghan girls continue to develop themselves and look towards the future with ambition and hope
Four OXSFJ & LEARN students share their favourite hobbies
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October 13, 2023
‘When I am an old woman I shall wear purple, with a red hat that doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me’
The poem represents the freedom of being old and the message of seeing ageing as a positive experience - something to cherish - which has resonated with me since I first heard it at barely five years-old
17 year-old Cressida Anness Lorenz wins the Harbinger Prize in Photography
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October 06, 2023
‘It’s like an addiction’ — American teenagers fall victim to online sports gambling apps
Whether through indirect or direct means, teenagers are being influenced to pursue online sports gambling. The rapidly growing industry is preying on those with underdeveloped minds, increasing profits to the detriment of future generations
17 year-old Arham Shah wins the Harbinger Prize in Economics
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October 06, 2023
Disappearing in the Pacific. Their islands are sinking, yet we can barely hear calls for help
In the heart of the Pacific Islands, a chorus of student voices resonates together to paint a vivid picture of hopes, concerns, and aspirations despite the nuanced, complex threat that they face
18 year-old Chenxi Zhang wins the Harbinger Prize in Reporting
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September 30, 2023
Flowers for the Future enables Afghan students to “bloom”
Amidst challenges posed by the Taliban’s restrictions, the support from individuals around the world and organisations like FFF are “a source of inspiration”
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimanova interviews the student-run organisation that supports the ‘rights of students across the world to education’
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September 29, 2023
My 50th birthday: A world without food
A future where real food doesn’t exist anymore may sound like quite a bleak and dystopian future. But this is far closer than we think with the 26-year timer we find ourselves on
17 year-old Christian Yeung wins the Harbinger prize in Humanities
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September 15, 2023
Ukraine’s leniency towards sexual assault is irreconcilable with our nation’s European aspirations
A recent crime in the Zakarpattya region of Ukraine has proven once again how prevalent the problem with punishment for sexual violence is in the Ukrainian legal system
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko on misogyny embedded in Ukraine’s legal system
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September 15, 2023
Long-term recovery underway in the Mediterranean following widespread fires
With the elements of strong wind, high temperatures and trees, a rampage of wildfires formed in the Mediterranean in July. Italy, North Africa and Greece are now recovering from this disastrous fire
16 year-old Jefferson He speaks with affected locals
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September 08, 2023
Trump administration disregard Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s last words
"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed” - the final words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to her granddaughter, has seen the former justice’s worst fear brought into reality
17 year-old Aleksandra Lasek on the notions of progress
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September 08, 2023
Why are more football stars making the move to Saudi Arabia?
While also stirring up controversy, the Saudi league has been growing at an insane rate and has attracted numerous big names, including the likes of Ronaldo
15 year-old Isaaq Hussain on the international transfer market
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September 08, 2023
Dying languages: Cultures are being eradicated in silence
Language is often reduced to a tool for basic communication, neglecting its human and cultural significance. Global warming and urbanisation are forcing linguistically diverse communities to migrate, assimilate, and abandon their ancestral tongues
Sophie Yu on the fight to save forgotten languages
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August 25, 2023
Inside Greek refugee camp Ritsona’s mission to ‘safeguard human rights’
At Ritsona refugee camp, a group of asylum seekers gathered to share their stories about how they reached Greece, how the camp is supporting them, and the struggles they face which included frustrations with the asylum procedure
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova visits and speaks with members of Ritsona refugee camp
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August 25, 2023
How the UK Cost of Living Crisis is affecting migrants
Since 2021, the economic situation in the UK has started to worsen, and this has affected many people, both citizens and non-citizens. However, while the government is providing some support to British citizens, migrants are being overlooked
17 year-old Jakub Hejka interviews Polish migrants on the Immigration Health Surcharge
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August 25, 2023
'Invisible to the Ukrainian legislation' - What it means to be queer in Ukraine
The question of LGBTQ+ rights in Ukraine is now more important than ever, as lots of these people are defending the country every day, and apart from that, are equally Ukrainian citizens who deserve to be recognized as such
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko interviews Ukrainian legal activists Tania Kasian and Maxim Potapovych
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August 19, 2023
Ageism: How young MPs are battling for political recognition
In today’s society, their role is arguably not considered as inspirational as that of pop stars or maybe even athletes. But why not? Young MPs seem to have an even greater fight for this interest, and for recognition in the political sphere
15 year-old Isaaq Hussain on youth accessibility in UK politics
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August 18, 2023
Meet nine Harbingers’ student journalists from Nepal’s ‘earthquake generation’
The people in Nepal are even better than the county’s stunning views. At the Mountain Children's House, an orphanage of 32 minors, I spoke to young people who eagerly shared their bold hopes and dreams
16 year-old Jefferson He introduces the newest Harbingers' project
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August 12, 2023
Universal higher education should be free. Here’s why
Education should not be privileged and only available to those that can afford it but to everyone. Access to higher education is a necessity not only for people but also for our economy to continue developing
17 year-old Jakub Hejka evaluates the wealth divide in higher education
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August 11, 2023
This year’s A-Level students are experiencing their greatest fear
I believe that teachers play a major role in a students education. With teachers in the UK going on a series of strikes, it impacts both their GCSE and A-Level results
16 year-old Jefferson He on the unfair change in grade boundaries
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August 10, 2023
Are vapes truly safe alternatives to cigarettes?
As a British teenager, I feel that I am constantly exposed to flashy and colourful images of e-cigarettes which is a new way to get young people addicted to nicotine
15 year-old Isaaq Hussain gives his opinion on the UK vape “epidemic”
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August 10, 2023
Sexual assault should not have a timer
The whole case is another terrifying example of how the justice system worldwide fails victims of sexual assault once again and promotes inconsequential violence, as well as gaslighting the victims into silencing their stories and experiences
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko looks at a recent sexual assault case in Italy
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August 09, 2023
Women’s World Cup inspiring a new generation of girls into the sport
The Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand is on track to receive the highest attendance numbers for the tournament to date, with interest in the women’s game on the rise
15 year-old Isaaq Hussain covers the recent historic achievements of the sport
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August 09, 2023
Trump stays popular among Republicans despite felony charges
The US 2024 presidential elections are just around the corner and according to latest polls, the Former President Donald J Trump has been crushing his rising competitors
17 year-old Aleksandra Lasek follows the US presidential election polls
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August 08, 2023
"Proportionate response to disastrous decision" - Greenpeace defends controversial protest
Activists from the campaign group climbed Rishi Sunak’s £2 million grade-II listed manor home in North Yorkshire on Thursday, August 3 and draped it with black cloth in protest of the PM’s plans to grant new licences for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea
16 year-old Justin Sau reports on the mixed response of climate action
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August 04, 2023
Greek newspaper Migratory Birds helps refugee teenagers ‘fly high’
It was the initiative of 15 Afghan teenage girls and one Greek girl, who decided it was time for the refugee population to be truly heard. The project’s aim is to introduce young refugees to the principles of journalism and media while helping them to integrate into the Greek community
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova interviews experts at youth magazine Migratory Birds
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July 28, 2023
Barbie review: A must-watch, the allegedly ‘anti-men’ pink extravaganza will make you cry
Barbie is a must-watch for everyone, for young and for old, for women and men. It’s a beautiful story with a powerful message which will leave you thinking about your own experiences and understanding of the patriarchy and how it in fact isn’t about horses
17 year-old Sofia Radysh reviews the record-breaking box office film
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July 21, 2023
Days that marked Afghan girls’ lives
There are days in everyone’s lives that they mark the most regardless of being good or bad. Five students of the journalism learning project at Harbingers’ Magazine – Shanhaza (17), Swita (16), Zainab (13), Naziya (13) and Zohra (17) – interviewed each other to find out about the days that impacted them the most
13-17 year-old OXSFJ and LEARN Afghan students share their life experiences
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July 21, 2023
How eco-friendly art is empowering refugees in Greece to raise awareness of crises
Art has been used throughout history as a powerful tool that documents time and evokes emotions. On the Greek island of Lesvos, it is helping refugees raise awareness of their ongoing struggles
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova visits Humade Crafts Workshop
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July 21, 2023
Actors joined striking writers to save Hollywood as we know it
With actors’ walk-outs – including at the notable premiere of Oppenheimer in London, where Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, and Florence Pugh all left the theatre – and arrested productions, the entertainment industry is suffering colossal stock price losses
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko reports on the ongoing strike
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July 14, 2023
'Barbenheimer': is this the most important box office battle in a decade
Barbie is winning, and it is hardly surprising. After all, one film is about dealing with mortality, the sense of self purpose, and challenging American elites, and the other one is a historical thriller titled Oppenheimer
17 year-old Anatolii Mishustin on ‘counterprogramming’ movie marketing
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July 14, 2023
Rooney’s debut is a must-read for young people. Conversations with Friends review
Sally Rooney did a fantastic job levelling with the reader on many personal, almost gentle levels. This makes this book a must-read for young people – teenagers, those in their 20s or even 30s – who want a light read that also touches you and makes you ask questions you never thought would occur
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko reminds of Rooney’s 2017 masterpiece
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July 14, 2023
Lewis Capaldi talks mental health after Glastonbury stage Tourette’s
The Someone You Loved artist faced a moment of crisis when performing at Glastonbury Festival in the United Kingdom
14 year-old Sofia Vorobei on the lesson learnt at Glastonbury
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July 07, 2023
Meet five Afghan girls who dream big for their future
After the Taliban seized power in August 2021, they banned girls from receiving a high school education. Despite these hardships, they are still determined to achieve their goals
13-17 year-old students of the OXSFJ & LEARN Afghan Project share their aspirations
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July 07, 2023
Youth revolted in France after police shot 17 year-old boy
Over the course of last week, violent riots have wreaked havoc in Paris and its suburbs. The protesters burned cars, vandalised police stations and even let animals from the Paris Zoo out. Rioters have torched 2,000 vehicles since the start of the unrest
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko reports on French protests against police brutality
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June 30, 2023
Unabomber exemplifies dangers of the far-right’s romanticisation of terrorists
On June 10, Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, died in prison unleashing a social media storm of Unabomber fans wishing him to rest in peace, revealing to the world a harmful and dangerous personality cult
17 year-old Mykyta Yaremenko on Ted Kaczynski’s right-wing fandom
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June 30, 2023
Rare glimpse into 21st century politics of sex and desire. The Right to Sex review
Amia Srinivasan’s collection of six nonfiction essays is an impressive debut. Writing about rape culture, student-professor relationships, prostitution, and pornography, Srinivasan is unafraid to linger near the precipice of taboo
17 year-old Sophie Elliott reviews the 2022 Orwell Prize shortlisted book
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June 30, 2023
Do we prefer AI to shape future generations than to invest in human teachers?
While the global market, however, is leaning towards AI to shape the worldviews of our next generation over human teachers, this does not mean it is the right direction to be headed in
17 year-old Megan Lee follows the money in education
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June 23, 2023
Animal testing made its way onto the big screen. It may be a sign of change
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 is more than a great movie - it also offers insight into cruelty disguised as animal testing
17 year-old Sofia Radysh on animal testing
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June 23, 2023
US Supreme Court ruled against Alabama’s violation of the Black voters rights
In a surprise to many civil rights activists the US Supreme Court judges struck down the electoral map of the state of Alabama because it discriminated against Black voters by a five-to-four decision
17 year-old Mykyta Yaremenko reports on the Congress decision
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June 16, 2023
Poles have had enough! Opposition leader Donald Tusk galvanises Poland’s fight for its democracy
The liberal-democratic Civic Coalition (KO), with the former president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, at the helm, has a chance to take power in Poland. Its electoral campaign was launched with an anti-government rally against the opposition
16 year-old Stanislaw Sankowski explains why 500,000 people marched through Warsaw
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June 09, 2023
Should English Literature be replaced by Global Literature in schools?
In our increasingly diverse and globalized society, the Western canon seems not only restrictive but also exclusionary, calling into question whether the subject of English Literature should be replaced by Global Literature to best reflect the status quo at hand
Megan Lee considers the value behind teaching literature
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June 02, 2023
Maintain or abolish the Monarchy? The impact of the Royal Family on the economy
Debates over the continuation of the Royal Family have reawakened as taxpayers covered the £100 million being spent on the Coronation amid a cost of living crisis. Questions over the value of the Monarchy are once again at the forefront of people’s minds
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev speaks with an expert and reviews the figures of spending
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May 19, 2023
‘Quantity of good Ukrainian music has risen on an aspirational scale’
“We need to win the war and start rebuilding. Not only buildings and infrastructure but also our culture. Because there will come a moment of exhaustion after such a long fight, but we still need not forget that there is a future”
16 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko interviews 19-year-old musician and producer Bogdan “SadSvit” Rozvadovskyi
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April 28, 2023
Turkey - Syria earthquakes: How to help those in need
On Monday, February 6, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake started in southern and central Turkey with the epicentre in Gaziantep and western Syria. The earthquake, which was followed by several deadly aftershocks, resulted in a death toll of more than 50,000 and injured “thousands more”
Mariia Piltiai on the relief organisations to support
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April 21, 2023
Could Prince Harry’s history of drug use undermine his US visa?
US immigration law has harsh penalties for lying to immigration officials, including deportation and being barred from applying for citizenship. Nile Gardiner, a director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom said “this is a much bigger issue than Prince Harry. It is about enforcing immigration law and ensuring that no one is above the law. Prince Harry is simply the tip of the iceberg”
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova on the current status of the visa investigation
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April 07, 2023
Unchangeable US police force is responsible for countless unjustified deadly arrests
In order to stop this cycle of repeated police brutality, the system must be changed. Acts, such as the George Floyd Justice in Policing bill should be passed and encouraged
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova looks at the consequences of excessive force in the case of Tyre Nichols
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April 07, 2023
Report revealed deeply concerning strip-search practice on thousands of children in England and Wales
The 363-page report, which looked at the standards of behaviour and culture of the Met, not only highlighted the ‘significant racial disproportionality’ in the strip searches of children by police but also revealed shocking cases within the police force
16 year-old Jinn Ong on the results of the Children’s Commissioner report
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March 17, 2023
What exactly is Justice? The flawed concept behind the death penalty in the US
Organisations such as the Innocence Project work to liberate the innocent, avoid wrongful sentences, and establish systems of justice that are fair, humane, and impartial for all. There have already been 375 cases of exoneration in the US due to new DNA testing, including 21 people serving on death row.
17 year-old Aleksandra Lasek on the importance of re-examination of evidence
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March 17, 2023
How political art is used to influence people
Art, as a reflection of an artist’s view of the world, is influenced by the events happening around, including politics and wars. And just like art, propaganda is also influenced by them. Propaganda, as it is known, is the dissemination of information to influence public opinion
16 year-old Kateryna Kalyniuk outlines the history of propaganda
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March 17, 2023
The fight for trans rights in the UK continues
The Scottish bill aimed to reform gender recognition guidelines got vetoed but the UK government. In response to the UK’s intervention, Stonewall, a British charity that supports LGBTQ+ youth throughout the United Kingdom, said: “These are not the actions of a government that can stand on the international stage as a credible defender of LGBTQ+ rights.”
16 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko reports the current policy on gender recognition
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March 09, 2023
The cost of living crisis: Financial impact on young people
The cost of living crisis has caused young people to be financially disadvantaged, with the ongoing situation set to deteriorate in the coming months
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev on the long-term economic consequences to youth
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March 09, 2023
Are the Peranakans a part of Singapore’s past or a heritage shaping my life choices?
As I deepened my research into Peranakans, I began to realise that my ancestors far exceed their reputation as creators of imaginative cuisine and eclectic architecture. In fact, the culture not only shapes the Singapore we see today but has largely influenced the choices I have made in life
16 year-old Jinn Ong inquires whether and how it is possible to be Peranakan in the 21st century
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March 03, 2023
‘Girls go missing, schools are closed down, teachers persecuted’. Fight for education in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan
Pashtana Dorani is the founder of an organisation running 'illegal' underground schools for girls in Afghanistan. She knows first-hand the struggles girls and those teaching them face since the US and their allies withdrew and the Taliban regained control of the country
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova interviews Afghan human rights activist
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March 03, 2023
‘Know your DNA’ databases could fall into the wrong hands. Policymakers should regulate it
Even with all precautions employed, there is always a chance of getting hacked. Nothing indicates that ancestry DNA databases store personal data in any different place than the information about one’s DNA
18 year-old Gleb Mishin explains the cybersecurity dangers behind DNA testing
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January 29, 2023
The Cost of Living Crisis: Concern over rise in abandoned pets
The cost of living crisis not only impacts individuals, but also rescue centres and the lives of volunteers, who are relied heavily on to keep centres running
Sofia Radysh investigates animal welfare during the UK cost of living crisis
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January 19, 2023
The secret price of the war in Ukraine
As a Ukrainian and representative of the young generation, I am worried about the price my country pays for the current war not only in the matter of sacred lives but also nature. Ecology might seem insignificant in comparison to the scale of human tragedies that are happening right now, but isn’t ecology also a matter of saving lives?
Maria Rybak speaks to experts on the ecological situation in Ukraine during war
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December 29, 2022
During a pandemic-haunted summer, I discovered a million-word long story and joined the fanfiction faction
Has finishing a good story ever left you feeling empty? As if nothing could ever come close to the experience of living, however briefly, inside the tale? You sit there, thinking of all the lost possibilities, the plotlines that were not explored, the what-ifs. What if this character survived? What if that character were born into an entirely different world?
18 year-old Zachary Górka explains the phenomenon of fanfiction literature
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December 18, 2022
Italy’s direct help for Ukrainian refugees is rooted in its EU membership
A question arises: does Italy have double standards and treat people differently depending on where they come from? Or is there a reasonable explanation for the difference in attitudes towards the two groups of refugees?
17 year-old Marco Morchio on difference in Italy's approach to conflicts in Syria and Ukraine
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December 02, 2022
Young people will pay the price for Putin’s push to re-enact the Cold War
Restoration of the Cold War is the last thing we need in the face of the climate crisis. Now more than ever, what we need is more cooperation between countries
16 year-old Sufiya Suleimenova explores the NATO expansion and climate change concerns
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November 17, 2022
Art of forgetting and remembering. On Lithuania's path to the commemoration of Holocaust victims
Memory is by no means neutral, and the pain of it demands decision. To what extent should we remember at all? What does it mean to remember rightly? Is the idea of memory even possible?
17 year-old Sophie Abromaviciute on relations between art and history
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October 31, 2022
Cold Hard Cash or Change Agent? Charities and the For-Profit Revenue Model
In the world of charitable giving, profit is a dirty word. Most charities rely heavily on donations as their primary source of income. Charities and businesses are divided, not only by their aims, but their revenue streams. Yet, in the bustling city of Kathmandu, I came to question the conviction of this dichotomy
Dylan Yip on incorporating business practice into charity
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October 31, 2022
‘It feels like I am living someone else’s life’, says Viktoriya, teenage refugee from Ukraine
When the war started, I felt confident and fearless. I believe because we had to move fast and think fast, my adrenaline was boosted, and this made me experience confidence. Over time, I calmed down and processed the situation. As I realised that my life was not stable anymore, my home was not safe, a feeling of fear started to develop
17 year-old Viktoriya Lysenko is interviewed by HRB's Italy correspodent Marco Morchio
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October 24, 2022
Standing by Mahsa Amini. Iran’s rise against oppression is yet another youth’s call for change
The Iranian theocracy is only a particularly outrageous, outdated, and brutal example which stands against the background of many different governments facing increasing scrutiny from their young citizens
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova on the necessity of support for the Iranian protesters
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October 17, 2022
How war affected young Ukrainians - and what you can do about it?
I know that our stories might seem bizarre, scary, and unrelatable. But everyone can try to understand and relate. And everyone can help - even other young people, and teenagers from around the globe. Why? To support those in need
Maria Rybak shows how the war has influenced lives of young Ukrainians and how powerful world-wide support is
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October 15, 2022
Zambia’s efforts to prevent famine and poverty with organic farming
Those at the Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (KATC) recognised the long list of problems arising from chemical farming, so the organisation changed to organic farming in the mid-1980s to promote a healthier, more sustainable way of living. The main focus of KATC’s work is to train farmers and government agents in the basics of organic farming.
17 year-old Maksymilian Sinczak on the efforts to promote sustainable agriculture in Zambia
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October 07, 2022
The Witcher - a feminist manifesto or a misogynistic tale?
Sapkowski’s saga is not only a fantasy tale - it is also a social commentary. That’s why the TV adaptation has brought into the limelight various types of discrimination, prejudice, and hate-rooted violence
Aleksandra Lasek inquires into the success of Yennefer of Vengerberg as a feminist role model
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September 30, 2022
Herbal Insurgency: Wielding Knowledge to Heal and Harm Under Southern Enslavement
Through their knowledge of healing and harming, enslaved people were able to create small but vital spaces of healing and alternative power within the totalizing structures of Southern enslavement laws
William Derek Pacini examines the history of herbal expertise as a form of resistance and a means to freedom
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September 18, 2022
Art of humanity. Why Lithuanian Jews took part in the fight against apartheid in South Africa
Once kindness becomes prevalent, it appears to be spreading. Human relations develop as we experience the inevitability of life - whether it is peace or war, core human values remain the same. A formation of a crystal – I think of an artwork I saw in Kaunas, depicting the bonding of ions and atoms which make the crystal grow - is parallel to how human relations develop.
17 year-old Sophie Abromaviciute on the lesson from an art festival in Kaunas, Lithuania
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September 13, 2022
Another Generation of War in Armenia. Living Everyday to the Fullest
In my village, we can hear any movements in the Azerbaijani military position. Such a close presence of the adversary army has negatively affected the mental state of the villagers, especially the young
Syuzanna Gyumshudyan examines the mental health of her peers two years after the bloody war over Nagorno Karabakh
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September 12, 2022
INO’s Tosca: the aesthetics of agency
Tosca offers a compelling evaluation of the complexities of female agency. She is an immensely complicated character—both pious and charitable, but also jealous, impetuous, passionate, and artistic
16 year-old Sophie Elliott analyses the Irish National Opera’s performance of Tosca with the backdrop of its political roots
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September 10, 2022
A Plague Constant: Disease and Conspiracy in the Early Modern Period and Today
Today, as during the Great Plague of London, some of those holding office have put forward questionable remedies said to be more effective than mainstream treatments
Zachary Górka considers the similarities in public reaction and conspiracy between COVID-19 and the Great Plague of London, almost 400 years apart
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August 25, 2022
‘An eye-opening experience’. Diary of a volunteer helping refugees at the Polish-Ukrainian border
When I arrived in Przemysl, a quaint little town on the Polish-Ukrainian border, I did not know what to expect. I wanted to provide help in any way I could, although I thought my lack of a shared language with the Ukrainians would largely limit my role
17 year-old Jonathan Wong about his time volunteering in Przemysl
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August 23, 2022
The voice of fashion stands in solidarity with Ukraine
As we say in Ukraine: “everything will be Ukraine!”. And if so, everything and everyone – including the fashion industry – must admit its political side
Maria Rybak describes how the fashion industry responded to the war in Ukraine
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August 16, 2022
Norman Davies: In 1919, Soviet invasion bolstered Polish national identity. Now it happens in Ukraine
“In 1920, nobody, no experts, no generals gave Poland a chance. In February, no experts gave Ukrainians much of a chance. The Ukrainians captured Russian tanks where the men were dressed in parade uniforms”
An interview by 18 year-old Jeremi Kulczyk-Lubomirski and 16 year-old Maciej Cebula
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August 15, 2022
Bat girls for life? — Nothing about Batgirl said ‘cancel worthy’
Movies are not viewed as a piece of art anymore, they are investment assets. If something doesn't work out they can simply be dumped
16 year-old Sofia Radysh reports on what Batgirl’s cancellation could mean for the film industry
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August 12, 2022
‘Transforming healthcare’ - How AI is helping save lives
AI is able to not only speed up the process of diagnoses, but also procure the healthcare system with higher quality and more precise results
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova interviews the AI specialists behind comprehensive stroke imaging solution
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August 11, 2022
Oxford suffers from extreme heatwave
“It’s not fake. The pond just evaporated. It’s a scene of devastation. The water levels in reservoirs are decreasing, but this [pond] people can actually see”
16 year-old Sofia Radysh inquires into Oxonian drought amid the amber heatwave warning
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August 11, 2022
Explainer: How does the Tory leadership election work?
Following the UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s resignation, the conservative party is in the process of electing its newest leader
17 year-old Grace Whitehouse outlines the Conservative election race in the UK
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August 10, 2022
Ersatz Austen of cheap laughs and romance. Persuasion review
The greatest failing of Netflix's film is that it neither commits to being a faithful adaptation of Austen’s regency, nor a modern rendering loosely based on original content
16 year-old Sophie Elliott reviews streaming giant's take on Austen’s classic novel
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August 09, 2022
Are young people the biggest losers of the UK Conservative race?
Truss believes in spending today and paying it back later. From our young perspective, this benefits the Boomer Generation who will have lower income tax and soon go into retirement, whilst the working population of Millennials and Gen Z will have to pay the price
19 year-old Isaac Kadas explains how the Tory leadership race harms the future of those young today
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August 08, 2022
Women’s Euro 2022, a success and an inspiration to the female youth
It is very refreshing to see how female sport is gaining more recognition and the respect it deserves. Women's football is the fastest growing sport in the UK, and it will be interesting to see how female athletes and sport will develop over the next decade
Timur and Sofiya report on public opinions towards Lionesses’ win in the final
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August 08, 2022
I doubt that Liz Truss will make girls’ lives better. Here’s why
If elected she has the capabilities to make significant headway in the progression of women’s rights, however based on her history of ineffectual action, it is unlikely for her to make tangible change within the UK
17 year-old Grace Whitehouse considers how Women’s rights in Britain will be harmed under Liz Truss leadership
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August 05, 2022
Feminism after the girlboss: anxiety of the bimbo
Bimboism claims to be a leftist-adjacent, anti-capitalist, pro-sex work, pro-LGBTQ feminist movement which attracts significant controversy on TikTok
Sophie Elliott explains ‘bimbo Tok’ in the context of modern feminism
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August 04, 2022
Cost of a trendy pup; the flat-faced issue explained
Humanity has been playing god and creating new breeds for a long time now, and the moment to take responsibility has arrived
16 year-old Sofia Radysh investigates the problems of Brachycephalic dogs
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July 18, 2022
A mirror to Britain’s homophobia. Joe Lycett: More, More, More! review
While this show’s comedy is structured to identify and poke fun at British conservative society, it is done so in a cheerful and carefree way which prevents the jokes from being destructive in any way
17 year-old Grace Whitehouse reviews Joe Lycett’s touring show
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July 09, 2022
War in Ukraine from the inside
My life, just like the life of other Ukrainians, has been divided into “before” and “after”. Before the 24th of February, I couldn't believe that in the twenty-first century people would be capable of starting an actual war
16 year-old Diana Kuksova reveals how it is to live as a teenager during war
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July 05, 2022
It is teenage girls who will be affected the most by abortion bans in the US
The Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, which removed the right for abortion in the US was done by a group which is 80 percent male, 80 percent white and 100 percent in their 50s or older. The societal group which is going to be affected by the change, is the complete opposite.
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova on the implications of overturning Roe vs Wade
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June 22, 2022
Medicare for All: a debate
Seeing a million citizens die due to the COVID-19 pandemic, along with an economic crash and rising unemployment, just highlights the importance of the Medicare for All debate. Could this program transform our healthcare system for the better – or would it further harm our economy?
Dylan Yip lays out opposing stances on the Medicare for All debate in the United States.
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May 27, 2022
‘Minimum inclusion gives huge joy’, says Sylwia, mother to a 14-year-old with autism
It is impossible to predict Julia's future but the outlook is grim. The state does not support centers that educate neurodivergent young adults as almost all types of support for adults with disabilities are scrapped by austerity measures.
Eva Smolokovskaya inquires into Poland’s non-existent system to include people with disabilities within society
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April 13, 2022
Farming on the battlefield. The reality behind Ukraine’s efforts to put food on our tables
Undoubtedly, the world hunger problem will be further exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With bombs landing in fields, farmers joining the military, fuel, seed, and fertilizer shortages, alongside the blocking of ports in the Black Sea by Russian fleets and mines, UNICEF expects the number of hungry children to double as a result of Putin’s war.
Sophie Abromaviciute on how the Russian aggression against Ukraine will result in global famine
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March 30, 2022
In Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, I cannot help but see my two sister-nations at war
In Kazakhstan, like in any other former Soviet republic, there is a strong feeling that the Ukrainian struggle against Russia is going to define our fate as well, no matter which way it goes
Ilya Kan on the ripples Putin’s war sent across the former Soviet Union
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March 18, 2022
How war in Ukraine has crept into young Londoners’ minds
We, the youth, are rapidly developing the knowledge, understanding, and vocabulary that makes us capable of talking about the war in Ukraine.
Natasha Banga about the knowledge many hoped never to need
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March 18, 2022
Anti- or pro-Western, Hungarians look at Ukraine through the lens of their troubled history
If it would be at all imaginable for Moscow to have an ally for its plans to redraw borders in Central Europe, Viktor Orbán would be the person to probe - to the horror of a strong pro-Western minority and the majority of Hungary’s youth.
Isaac Kadas explains how century-old Trianon treaty shapes Budapest’s relationship with Moscow
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March 18, 2022
School survey: 47% of students follow Russia’s invasion on Ukraine through social media
Without a strong foundation on the historical context of the invasion, many younger individuals may be at a higher risk of being influenced into holding certain opinions. This is further exacerbated by acquiring the majority of their information through social media, which is littered with difficult to avoid misinformation.
Daria Badger and Noor Bejjani research into how young people source information
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March 08, 2022
"We don’t want this war". The invasion of Ukraine is Putin’s, not Russians’ doing
In the midst of this conflict, the international community must remain aware of the vital distinction between Russians, and those in power in Russia. In the context of the war, the two have little to nothing in common.
Mary Stabinska about the consequences of power unchecked
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March 01, 2022
Six days ago, the war started. Ukraine and Russia, the two of my homelands
Ми більше не боїмося Хоча страшно Але не до страху... Нам уже не страшно Хотя страшно Но не до страха… We’re not scared Although we are just cannot afford to…
Eva Smolokovskaya on anger and powerlessness
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February 18, 2022
Colston Four trial and the blunder of Police and Crime Bill reflect a divide in Britain
The ideological profile of the current British government - labelled as Johnsonism, in resemblance to Trumpism - embodies the belief that protest is something undesirable
Isaac Kadas examines why Johnsonism is so afraid of “noisy” protests
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January 27, 2022
Religious beliefs are not a sufficient reason to seek vaccine exemption
82% of American Catholics have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine while only 57% of Evangelical Protestants did the same.
Marsi Hadjieva explains twisted relations between religion and jabs
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January 24, 2022
Every bit as real that the reader hopes the story were pure fiction. The Fortune Men review
Nearing the 70th anniversary of the court murder commited in Wales, we realize that not much has changed these past decades.
Noemi Elliott reviews Nadifa Mohamed’s novel
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January 20, 2022
With the notion of progress gone, gender equality is slowly dying in Poland
Since 2015, the ruling Law and Justice party has rejected the notion of progress which had characterised the Second Republic of Poland - despite the fact that it is the same Second Republic that the same Law and Justice politicians consider to be the embodiment of ideal Polish society.
Aleksandra Lasek on Poland's nationalists' lack of political consistency
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January 20, 2022
Trailblazer. How Yip Pin Xiu’s swimming career broke the silence on disability in Singapore
Things are changing, and they are changing fast. Arguably, the rise of Singaporean Paralympic champions has played the most imperative role in catalysing the change of societal attitudes towards people with disabilities. Yip Pin Xiu stands out of this group - in order to recognise her and her feats, Singapore had to finally look in the mirror.
Jinn Ong portraits Singapore's most decorated Paralympian
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December 16, 2021
Victims of Fukushima still pay for failures of Japan’s government
Residents of Fukushima were left jobless, homeless and hopeless after most were unable to find work. Many women were unable to wed or have children since they were regarded as ‘tainted’, and relocated children were being shunned by peers at school.
Jinn Ong pictures a decade of injustice after the preventable meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
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December 01, 2021
Even if refugees are lured by Belarus, it is not a reason for Poland to violate international law
"From the legal point of view, the problem is that the practice of pushbacks is illegal. When the person appears on the Polish territory and applies for asylum, then the asylum application should be processed and the person should have the right to stay in Poland until the final decision is reached."
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights’ lawyer Jacek Bialas in conversation with Levon Nurijanyan explains why Poland's push-backs of migrants are illegal
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November 26, 2021
The @feminist Instagram account took femvertising to the next level
When I look for activism content, I don’t wish to be discreetly tricked into buying a t-shirt, no matter how sustainable it is or what share of the profit goes to good causes.
Eva Smolokovskaya questions the ethics of the @feminist, a social media account with 6.4 million followers
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October 28, 2021
Caroline Hickman: Anxiety and anger are psychologically healthy responses to climate crisis
The UK-based philosopher, psychotherapist and researcher has made it her mission to help people cope with denial, depression, anger and powerlessness which so many face because of the climate crisis.
She sat with Eva Smolokovskaya to explain what she has learned over the last two decades.
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October 21, 2021
At Ritsona Camp it has been three years since child refugee Leila was last inside a classroom
There is no reason for the refugee children in Europe to be denied an effective and equal education.
Polina Aksenenko and Parwana Amiri about the consequences of spending on walls instead of buses at Ritsona Camp in Greece.
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September 19, 2021
Nature and Privation in Three Romani Poets
The generation born after the war was raised amidst the turmoil of social transformation, evolving governmental edicts, and the challenges of dwelling among often unwelcoming ethnic Hungarians. The poetry of these postwar Roma poets reflects these challenges.
Noemi Elliot on Roma poets and their artistic sensibilities 
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August 24, 2021
For equality’s sake, Paralympics and Olympics should be united
Although it is hard to imagine, there was also a time when women were not included in the Olympics - yet, in 2021 we do not hold separate games for male and female athletes.
Jinn Ong argues for one Games for all athletes
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August 24, 2021
What I Heard About Covid-19
I heard Trump’s term in office had coincided with more than 25 million confirmed coronavirus cases, over 400,000 of which resulted in fatalities.
Daria Badger on fading memories
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August 17, 2021
Paralympic medalist Theresa Goh: ‘I was thinking: do I have to quit swimming and find a job?’
“I have seen a lot of change. Previously, newspapers used to place athletes with disabilities in the home section, now they are actually placing us in the sports section.”
Jinn Ong sits with Singaporean Paralympic swimmer Theresa Goh to discuss inclusivity and equality
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August 17, 2021
Masks, Russia’s silent rebellion
It was when I landed in Moscow, Russia, when I very suddenly realised that humanity is not so united in its fight against the coronavirus. Not at all.
Eva Smolokovskaya on pictures she took in the Russian capital
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August 16, 2021
Tornado of history. How Koreans became the fourth Zhuz of Kazakhstan
Only much later would they find out that Stalin, afraid of potential Japanese spies living in the USSR, wanted to cleanse Russia of any threats. His fear somehow ended up encompassing Koreans as well, so 124 train wagons were arranged to transport over 170,000 people to Central Asia. Based on today’s estimates, around 50,000 never made it off the trains.
Ilya Kan on the history of his family - and all Kazakhstan's Koreans - in the 20th century


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