international affairs

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October 03, 2024
Refugee women in Armenia build community through knitting
The Shuhel group, supported by the feminist peacebuilding NGO Women’s Center Shushi in Yerevan, provides a space for refugee women to build community and knit, sew, embroider and sell their handcrafted quilts, jewellery, and other goods
18 year-old Alyona Sargsyan explains how an initiative in Yerevan offers a safe space for women
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September 12, 2024
Bangladesh’s prime minister resigns and flees the country after violent protests
Student protesters succeeded in ousting Bangladesh’s longest-serving prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, last month, after weeks of violent and deadly clashes with security forces
17 year-old Nare Arushanyan explains the recent protests in Bangladesh and their aftermath
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August 29, 2024
The US presidential debate left me disappointed, not inspired
Following the presidential debate, many Americans ended the night feeling like the global laughing stock of politics. Our politicians were too busy name-calling and slandering each other to reassure any of us voters that our country has a bright future ahead
17 year-old Emily Dorman assesses the unsatisfactory Trump and Biden election debate on 27 June
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August 27, 2024
What is mpox and why is it an ‘international public health emergency’?
The viral infection, which is transmitted through close contact and causes symptoms including chills, body aches and lesions, spread rapidly from the Democratic Republic of Congo to nearby countries
15 year-old Helena Ruskowska reports on recent updates on the mpox virus and the advice issued by health experts
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August 03, 2024
Certainly not ‘fell out of a coconut tree.’ Who is Kamala Harris – and could she defeat Trump?
Although polls indicate that Trump is leading in the race – and Harris herself warns that the Democrats are the “underdog” – there are signs that things could turn in her favour, offering the current vice president a chance to become the first female US president.
15 year-old Nell Dethloff profiles VP Kamala Harris
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August 01, 2024
Against all odds: Afghan girls want to learn
The message is simple. Education for children is a fundamental right, and our gender should make no difference. Afghan girls are the strongest girls. Just let them improve and study. Allow them back into school
17 year-old Zohra shares the unwavering determination of Afghan girls to pursue their education
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July 16, 2024
Navigating the US-China rivalry: Trump and Biden’s divergent strategies in the Asia-Pacific region
The debates between candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump have frequently touched on their respective approaches to managing rivalry with China. This focus underscores the increasing prominence of US-China relations in American political and strategic thinking
19 year-old Maciej Cebula compares Trump’s and Biden’s strategies on US-China relations, focusing on trade, military, technology, and Asia-Pacific diplomacy
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July 16, 2024
How the US election could impact tackling climate change
As US President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump race for the White House, the results of the November 5 election will strongly impact the global response to climate change
17 year-old Jefferson He analyses the link between the White House and greenhouse gas emissions
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July 12, 2024
Biden mixes up his words at the NATO Summit
Biden suffered multiple word mistakes while giving a press conference alongside the closing day of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) summit in Washington, furthering the question as to whether he is fit for another four years as US President
16 year-old Noah Saphier reports on day three of the NATO Summit
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July 12, 2024
World leaders are working on ‘Trump-proofing’ NATO
On Day two of the NATO Summit, happening in Washington DC, the world leaders have mainly focused on aiding Ukraine and continuously providing help to Ukraine even after the election
17 year-old Jefferson He reports on the decision making of ‘Trump-proofing’ NATO from Washington DC
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July 10, 2024
US 2024 elections: Is this the end of American support for Ukraine?
Planned for November 5, the US presidential election is poised to significantly impact Eastern Europe, especially given the pivotal roles of Ukraine and NATO in the region’s security dynamics. The results are set to shape the country’s transatlantic future and relations
16 year-old Klaudia Bacza analyses the potential results of the US elections and the impact of the NATO summit on the war in Ukraine
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July 09, 2024
What you need to know about NATO: the upcoming Summit in Washington DC
This summit represents a critical moment for the United States. While President Joe Biden has clearly stated that he will continue his candidacy, increasing numbers of important Democrats are calling for his resignation, whether that be publicly or privately
17 year-old Alia Saphier outlines the expectations and consequences of the NATO Summit
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June 27, 2024
The dangerous rise of diabetes in South Asia
The rate of diabetes is increasing drastically across the world, but particularly in developing countries such as Sri Lanka and India. With expensive treatments, there is a rising importance to follow precautions to better protect health expenditure
15 year-old Lisindi Liyanage explores the past, present and future of diabetes in Sri Lanka
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June 20, 2024
Alcohol, emotions and swearing: Five things I’ve found surprising about Denmark
The Danish capital, Copenhagen, has gained publicity among young people as a vacation hotspot and for its unique fashion sense. But what cultural differences in Denmark might catch you off guard?
16 year-old Varvara Tkachenko shares her experience as a Ukrainian who recently moved to Copenhagen
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June 13, 2024
How human rights advocate Sima Samar inspired me to never give up
Sima Samar is a strong supporter and advocate for her people, and girls like me are continually inspired by her work to make our futures better. Girls can take note of these qualities, despite the restrictions they may face, and become great leaders
16 year-old Swita expresses admiration for Afghan human rights activist Sima Samar, and discusses the key attributes of a good leader
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May 30, 2024
Sri Lanka’s Moragahakanda dam project is an environmental disaster
The bar for one of Sri Lanka’s largest and supposedly most conservation-oriented development projects has been set so low that it has caused more damage than progress
14 year-old Hesandi Ravisinghe weighs up the pros and cons of a crucial irrigation project
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May 23, 2024
To be or not to be… an international student
Being an international student, attending different schools, seeing other countries and experiencing new environments gives you a lot of opportunities. You are able to find what you like and what you are good at, improve yourself and be prepared for the future
14 year-old Anastasia Kulikova explains the advantages of studying abroad
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May 02, 2024
Gen Z’s opportunity to shape America: The current state of the 2024 US Elections
This November, Americans will cast their votes to determine who will serve as president for the next four years, marking one of the most polarized election cycles in the nation's history. With over 8mn more Gen Z voters since the 2022 midterms, young voters hold the power to significantly impact the result
17 year-old Emily Dorman explains Gen Z’s position on this year’s US presidential election
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April 11, 2024
How volunteers are helping to serve as a ‘beacon of hope’ in Afghanistan
Two years after the Taliban’s supposed temporary ban, another academic year has started, leaving girls in Afghanistan at a greater disadvantage. Inspired by the efforts of organisations to provide education to girls and women, I volunteered and witnessed the difference they can make
17 year-old Zohra on the resilient efforts of local organisations in providing life-changing opportunities to girls and young women in Afghanistan
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March 22, 2024
‘Her name was Liza.’ Violence against women is on the rise worldwide
Recent shockwaves over the brutal rape and murder of a women in Warsaw reiterate the dangers women face globally. It seems the United Nations SDG goal to ‘achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’ is far from being achieved by its 2030 date
15 year-old Klara Hammudeh reports on the global implications of a recent crime in Warsaw
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March 08, 2024
For thousands of teenagers worldwide, MUNs are a gateway to international affairs
Globally recognised as an ‘important contribution’, young people share with Harbingers’ the value of participating in MUN as it's todays teenagers who are “going to take” the place of politicians in the future
15 year-old Klara Hammudeh interviews Model United Nations participants from Poland
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February 23, 2024
‘Our world cannot afford to wait’ - International calls for peace intensify over Israel-Gaza war
The Israeli military has begun targeting Rafah, a southern city housing more than a million displaced Palestinians with “nowhere to go.” With around half of Gaza’s population finding shelter in the city, this has the potential to drastically escalate the humanitarian crisis in the region
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova on the current calls for humanitarian relief
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February 09, 2024
US immigration authorities on alert following Honduras migrant caravan crossing
Immigration emerges as a hot topic yet again in the lead up to the 2024 US presidential election and if a new bill is passed by Congress it “would be the biggest changes to immigration law in nearly 40 years” threatening the conditions to asylum
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova on the growing pressure at the border
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February 02, 2024
‘The south is being left behind’. UNCTAD summit raises concerns over the current international order
With the largest grouping of the global south, the G77 January summit aimed to address the growing gap leaving developing countries behind amidst climate, humanitarian and economic concerns
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova reports on the ‘cascading crisis’ in the global South
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February 02, 2024
US and Iraqi leaders hold first talk over future relations - what does this mean?
US and Iraqi leaders have held their first round of negotiations over the prospective removal of the US-led international military coalition from Iraq following increased tensions
17 year-old Aleksandra Lasek reports on the most recent statements from government officials
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January 12, 2024
Major economies tackling the housing crisis: Implications for the youth
The major economies, like the US, China, and the UK, aim to address the housing crisis amid growing concerns about widening affordability gaps. This article will explore how the situation will impact the younger generation who are at greatest risk
18 year-old Timur Boranbayev on the global economic outlook
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January 05, 2024
Israel-Gaza War: The multifaceted conflict that has resulted in decades of suffering
The recent conflict between Hamas and Israel has defined a bitter chapter in Israel-Palestine’s history. As the toll rises, the urgency of international attention is highlighted against a backdrop of ceasefires and broken truces
17 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova outlines the history of the modern conflict
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December 22, 2023
Helping hands - How Afghan girls are instrumental in providing education
Organisations such as LEARN have been helping girls get an underground education by providing online classes such as science and web design lessons. Through their help and kindness, the power to offer opportunities to others is then passed on into our hands
17 year-old Zohra on the inspiring goal of helping young people follow their dreams
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December 15, 2023
Nepal's historic equality milestone: First LGBTQ+ couple celebrate receiving marriage certificate
Last month marked a historic milestone for LGBTQ+ rights in Nepal, as the country officially documented the first same-sex marriage. Surendra Pandey, reflecting on this ground-breaking act said “this is a huge achievement not only for us but for all sexual and gender minorities”
16 year-old Jefferson He reports on minorities' rocky path towards legal marriages
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November 03, 2023
Presidential election showed how hard Singapore’s ‘balancing act’ is in midst of US-China tensions
Singapore’s ‘neutral’ geo-political stance between the United States and China has become increasingly precarious in the face of rising tensions between the two global giants and escalating Sino-US tensions
17 year-old Jinn Ong on Singapore’s repositioning in the Asia-Pacific theatre
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October 27, 2023
Kosovo War – understanding the unresolved conflict
The conflict that was supposed to be resolved decades ago is making headlines in world news again, with the media asking Are Kosovo and Serbia on the brink of war?’
17 year-old Mykyta Yaremenko explains the failure of peace process in Kosovo
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September 30, 2023
Flowers for the Future enables Afghan students to “bloom”
Amidst challenges posed by the Taliban’s restrictions, the support from individuals around the world and organisations like FFF are “a source of inspiration”
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimanova interviews the student-run organisation that supports the ‘rights of students across the world to education’
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September 22, 2023
Mass destruction of Ukrainian nature will have a huge impact on the future
The consequences of war have not only ruined lives and negatively impacted the mental health of Ukrainian civilians, but it will also result in long-term ecosphere damage
17 year-old Sofia Radysh interviews UAnimals on the environmental crisis
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September 08, 2023
Trump administration disregard Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s last words
"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed” - the final words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to her granddaughter, has seen the former justice’s worst fear brought into reality
17 year-old Aleksandra Lasek on the notions of progress
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September 01, 2023
Understanding Poland’s economic transformation would enable Sri Lanka to learn from Warsaw’s errors
Many experts fear that in light of the recent economic crisis, the Lankan government’s sole focus will be debt disposal, hence the introduction of reforms may occur in a haphazard way, jeopardising the country’s security
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska speaks with economic experts Marcin Zielinski, Professor Adam Bodnar, and Filip Konopczyński
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August 18, 2023
Meet nine Harbingers’ student journalists from Nepal’s ‘earthquake generation’
The people in Nepal are even better than the county’s stunning views. At the Mountain Children's House, an orphanage of 32 minors, I spoke to young people who eagerly shared their bold hopes and dreams
16 year-old Jefferson He introduces the newest Harbingers' project
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August 13, 2023
Contested artefacts from the British Museum: 7 things you need to know
In recent years, many countries where these artefacts originated have become more vocal in calling for their return, arguing that the objects were taken unethically and without consent
16 year-old Justin Sau outlines the appeals for repatriation
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August 12, 2023
Sri Lanka’s restructure of State-Owned Enterprises may pose a threat to the safety of the country
Following the 2022 bankruptcy, the Sri Lankan government has been implementing tough reforms to improve the economy. It appears as though the government is too focused on paying off debts to acknowledge the possibility of compromising safety
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska outlines deficiencies in the government’s decision-making
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August 06, 2023
Russian athletes are once again showing disrespect and officials are doing nothing about it
Disrespect towards Ukrainians from Russians is an everyday occurrence everywhere in the world and this time it was present at an international sports arena
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko on the politics of sportsmanship
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August 04, 2023
Greek newspaper Migratory Birds helps refugee teenagers ‘fly high’
It was the initiative of 15 Afghan teenage girls and one Greek girl, who decided it was time for the refugee population to be truly heard. The project’s aim is to introduce young refugees to the principles of journalism and media while helping them to integrate into the Greek community
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova interviews experts at youth magazine Migratory Birds
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July 21, 2023
Days that marked Afghan girls’ lives
There are days in everyone’s lives that they mark the most regardless of being good or bad. Five students of the journalism learning project at Harbingers’ Magazine – Shanhaza (17), Swita (16), Zainab (13), Naziya (13) and Zohra (17) – interviewed each other to find out about the days that impacted them the most
13-17 year-old OXSFJ and LEARN Afghan students share their life experiences
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July 07, 2023
Meet five Afghan girls who dream big for their future
After the Taliban seized power in August 2021, they banned girls from receiving a high school education. Despite these hardships, they are still determined to achieve their goals
13-17 year-old students of the OXSFJ & LEARN Afghan Project share their aspirations
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July 07, 2023
Youth revolted in France after police shot 17 year-old boy
Over the course of last week, violent riots have wreaked havoc in Paris and its suburbs. The protesters burned cars, vandalised police stations and even let animals from the Paris Zoo out. Rioters have torched 2,000 vehicles since the start of the unrest
17 year-old Sofiya Tkachenko reports on French protests against police brutality
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July 07, 2023
Turkey’s economy: Could the re-election of Erdogan pose a threat?
Despite actions made for economic recovery, there are 4 reasons explaining why the prosperity of Turkey’s economy may be under threat
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev analyses the election repercussions
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May 05, 2023
Single currency for East Africa: 7 things you need to know
A single African currency for East Africa is targeted to be instituted by the African Central Bank by 2028 to create an ‘economic and monetary union’. Harbingers’ Magazine has created this explainer to outline the details of the plans
17 year-old Timur Boranbayev breaks down the economic implications
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March 17, 2023
Ukrainian ‘grains of truth’. One year of farming under Russian missiles
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine hits its first anniversary, Ukrainian farmers are facing a new set of challenges for keeping the title of the ‘breadbasket of the world’
Sophie Abromaviciute on the impact the war has on Ukrainian agriculture
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March 10, 2023
UN reached an agreement to protect 30 percent of high seas. Talks took almost 20 years
The new treaty includes territory protective measures on marine reserves and environmental impact assessments concerning human activity on the high seas, which the UN immediately described as ‘historic’. The new convention, however, has yet to be formally adopted and ratified by at least sixty states in order to come into force.
17 year-old Flora Lodd reports on breaking climate news
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March 09, 2023
Are the Peranakans a part of Singapore’s past or a heritage shaping my life choices?
As I deepened my research into Peranakans, I began to realise that my ancestors far exceed their reputation as creators of imaginative cuisine and eclectic architecture. In fact, the culture not only shapes the Singapore we see today but has largely influenced the choices I have made in life
16 year-old Jinn Ong inquires whether and how it is possible to be Peranakan in the 21st century
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March 03, 2023
‘Girls go missing, schools are closed down, teachers persecuted’. Fight for education in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan
Pashtana Dorani is the founder of an organisation running 'illegal' underground schools for girls in Afghanistan. She knows first-hand the struggles girls and those teaching them face since the US and their allies withdrew and the Taliban regained control of the country
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova interviews Afghan human rights activist
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February 09, 2023
Lessons have not been learnt, international law is not stopping Russia
The notions of genocide and crimes against humanity are two essential building blocks for international law and vital parts of the efforts to protect human rights. In his 2016 book East West Street, British writer and lawyer Philippe Sands explains the origins of these notions
Aleksandra Lasek on the constraints of the international criminal law system
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December 18, 2022
Italy’s direct help for Ukrainian refugees is rooted in its EU membership
A question arises: does Italy have double standards and treat people differently depending on where they come from? Or is there a reasonable explanation for the difference in attitudes towards the two groups of refugees?
17 year-old Marco Morchio on difference in Italy's approach to conflicts in Syria and Ukraine
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December 02, 2022
Young people will pay the price for Putin’s push to re-enact the Cold War
Restoration of the Cold War is the last thing we need in the face of the climate crisis. Now more than ever, what we need is more cooperation between countries
16 year-old Sufiya Suleimenova explores the NATO expansion and climate change concerns
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September 18, 2022
Art of humanity. Why Lithuanian Jews took part in the fight against apartheid in South Africa
Once kindness becomes prevalent, it appears to be spreading. Human relations develop as we experience the inevitability of life - whether it is peace or war, core human values remain the same. A formation of a crystal – I think of an artwork I saw in Kaunas, depicting the bonding of ions and atoms which make the crystal grow - is parallel to how human relations develop.
17 year-old Sophie Abromaviciute on the lesson from an art festival in Kaunas, Lithuania

international affairs

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