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February 21, 2025
Floods, landslides and rising temperatures: How climate change is impacting Nepal
Global warming refers to the long-term warming of the entire planet. It has increased significantly over the last century as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels
16-year-old Binita Nepali explores how the climate crisis is affecting her homeland of Nepal
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February 14, 2025
When the world was silent, these Artsakh mothers spoke out
Azerbaijan began its nearly ten-month blockade on 12 December 2022, when it cut access to the Lachin Corridor, known among Artsakh residents as ‘The Road of Life’, as it is the only route connecting their ancestral homeland to Armenia and the outside world.
18-year-old Alyona Sargsyan shines a light on refugee women’s fight for their rights
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February 14, 2025
For your listening pleasure: A guide to the best and safest headphones
Types of headphones differ on the basis of connectivity (wired or wireless); fit (over-ear, on-ear, open-ear, earbuds, in-ear); design (closed-back, open-back, headset); and whether or not they are noise-cancelling. All of these elements come together to decide how enjoyable – and healthy – your listening habits are
15-year-old Anastasia Kulikova explores the dos and don’ts of headphone and earphone use
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February 07, 2025
Why Nepal needs to have a modern, up-to-date education system
In Nepal, the education system is structured into primary, secondary and higher education. In this age of new technologies, it still follows traditional methods of teaching and learning. Technology and skills are extremely critical for this generation, alongside education
14-year-old Samuna asks students and a teacher for their thoughts on Nepal’s education system
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January 31, 2025
Welcome to the new Afghanistan Newsroom
In Afghanistan, where the Taliban’s restrictions have silenced the dreams of many young girls, a resilient group of students refuses to give up on their aspirations. Despite being denied access to education, including a recent restriction on being midwives or nurses, these ten determined girls are boldly pursuing their goals, from becoming doctors and business leaders to journalists
Ten female LEARN Journalism Club students writing for Harbingers’ Magazine share their hopes
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January 24, 2025
‘I want the world to hear our story’: The hope of Artsakh’s displaced
During the blockade, schools were forced to close due to a lack of funding, food, gas or electricity. Children’s right to education was undermined, and the number of deaths increased. Despite these inhumane conditions, young people did everything to be useful to their homeland; the desire to live and preserve our homeland was above all. One of those was Gaya Sargsyan – now aged 30 – who gathered other young volunteers to hand out food and aid during the blockade
18-year-old Laura Danielyan talks to youth leader Gaya Sargsyan about the pain of the Artsakh blockade
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January 16, 2025
Meet some of the ‘national heroes’ of Nepal
Nepal may be a small landlocked country between two growing economic giants, China and India, but It is also an unusually diverse country, with contributions from a long line of “national heroes, personalities and luminaries”. Here are a few of these important personages, presented in chronological order
14-year-old Rakshya B.K. explores some of the most significant men and women in Nepal’s history
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January 10, 2025
Exploring Nepal through its tradition of multiple genders and matriarchal values
The 88-minute film explores Nepal’s matriarchal heritage through the figure of Ajima, a grandmother goddess in the Tantra tradition who embodies wisdom, protection and fertility
17-year-old Jefferson He reviews the 2024 documentary Ajima and 6 Gender Identities
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January 03, 2025
Dreaming big: three teenagers join Sri Lanka’s women’s football team
Three talented young girls from a rural seaside village in Sri Lanka have joined the country’s under-17 national women’s football team in a triumphant conclusion to a story about beating the odds
15-year old Hesandi Ravisinghe talks to a trio of inspiring players from a seaside village
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December 26, 2024
Sri Lanka survivors remember the Indian Ocean tsunami, 20 years on
On 26 December 2004, the Indian Ocean tsunami struck, one of the deadliest natural disasters in recent history. The tsunami affected 18 countries around the Indian Ocean, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand, claiming the lives of at least 225,000 people and causing immense environmental devastation. Harbingers’ Magazine spoke to some of the survivors in Galle, who are still feeling the impact of the experience, 20 years later
15-year-old Anastasia Kulikova revisits the tragedy of the Boxing Day tsunami on its 20th anniversary
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December 12, 2024
YouTuber social experiments: Where do we draw the line?
Popular American YouTuber ‘Nikocado Avocado’ broke the internet with a video posted in September that revealed the “grand social experiment” (his words) that he had been conducting for the past two years
15-year-old Hesandi Ravisinghe unpacks Youtuber Nikocado Avocado’s controversial online persona
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December 06, 2024
Mobile phones are the defining technology of my generation
Mobile technology was developed for communication. It is a tool that is used to transfer information from one person to another person or one part of the world to another. Mobile technology has helped to spread education and research
14-year-old Santoshi Gurung of the Nepali Newsroom examines the pros and cons of mobile phones
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December 06, 2024
Armenia’s new domestic violence legislation is good, but not good enough
In Armenia, as in many parts of the world, real progress against domestic violence requires both legislative action and societal change. Strengthening legal definitions, expanding victim protections, challenging gender norms and increasing support for survivors are all essential steps in Armenia’s ongoing journey toward a safer society
17-year-old Nare Arushanyan interviews the head of Armenia’s leading domestic violence support group
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November 29, 2024
Help me keep the voices of young Nepali journalists heard
For the past two years, I’ve coordinated Harbingers' Nepali Newsroom, working with 10 students from the Mountain Children’s Home in Dandagaun, Kathmandu. Aged between 11 and 18, these students gather twice weekly to learn journalism, alongside lessons in English, dancing and singing. Now, they need our support to keep their voices heard
17-year-old Jefferson He has set up a fundraiser to secure the future of Harbingers’ Nepali Newsroom
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November 29, 2024
My experience as a teenage refugee from Artsakh
Post-war life changed the person I am. It makes you question your whole existence; you appear to be in an identity crisis, which is even worse when everyone around you is in trauma. But I don’t want to identify myself with that devastating experience. Rather, when I think about Artsakh, I remember the warm and happy years that I spent there
18-year-old Lana Tonyan shares the trauma of fleeing her homeland to a new life in Armenia
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November 22, 2024
What does Sri Lanka’s new female prime minister mean for the country’s young girls?
What does Dr Harini Amarasuriya appointment as prime minister – only the third woman to hold this position – mean for Sri Lanka?  Harbingers’ Magazine spoke with young women and girls in Galle on the significance of the prime minister's appointment
16-year-old Lisindi Liyanage talks to young Sri Lankans about a prime minister of many firsts
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November 14, 2024
‘Dream big, never give up’: What famous Nepali climber Purnima Shrestha told us
We met a famous Nepali female mountaineer this summer, when she came to our classroom and shared her experiences. Her name is Purnima Shrestha. This year, aged 33, she created a new world record by climbing Everest three times in thirteen days. She is the first female climber to set such a record
Students from Harbingers' Nepali Newsroom interview renowned woman climber about Mount Everest
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November 07, 2024
Coral catastrophe: The race to save Sri Lanka’s fragile reefs
Coral reefs are some of the most important resources in the tropics, alongside mangroves and seagrass beds. Humans rely heavily on coral reefs, thanks to their benefits to the tourism and building industries, and for coastal protection. They are home to a quarter of the world’s marine species, and provide food and resources to half a billion people across the globe
15 year-old Lisindi Liyanage explores the devastating damage to Sri Lanka’s coral reefs
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October 24, 2024
Why is the month of Shrawan so important for Nepalis?
Shrawan is the fourth month in the Nepali calendar, and one of the most holy months for Hindus because it is dedicated to one of their most important gods, Lord Shiva.
Students from Harbingers’ Nepali Newsroom explain the significance of the month of Shrawan
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October 03, 2024
Refugee women in Armenia build community through knitting
The Shuhel group, supported by the feminist peacebuilding NGO Women’s Center Shushi in Yerevan, provides a space for refugee women to build community and knit, sew, embroider and sell their handcrafted quilts, jewellery, and other goods
18-year-old Alyona Sargsyan explains how an initiative in Yerevan offers a safe space for women
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September 05, 2024
Many young Armenians dissatisfied with current government, but see no real alternative
Harbingers' asked 60 people aged 18-25 from different regions of Armenia a series of questions about the anti-government protests in the country between April and June
17 year-old Lana Tonyan and 16 year-old Anita Stepanyan report on the recent anti-government protests in Armenia
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September 05, 2024
How ‘nosy’ Armenians made my trip unforgettable
Armenians take pride in being ‘nosy’ – and that’s a good thing. Let me explain why. This eagerness to engage created a welcoming atmosphere making an unknown place less daunting
15 year-old Charlotte Wejchert on her contrasting experiences in Yerevan and New York City
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August 29, 2024
Why corporal punishment is still common in Sri Lankan schools
Corporal punishment of children as a means of discipline has been prohibited in Sri Lanka, but is still regularly used in schools, with the excuse that it is part of the country’s culture
15 year-old Hesandi explores the status of corporal punishment in Sri Lankan schools
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August 22, 2024
How Armenian teens have adjusted to a new life, a year after fleeing home
Almost one year ago, in September 2023, the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, home to a significant Armenian population, fell under Azerbaijani control, prompting a mass exodus of more than 100,000 ethnic Armenians to Armenia. Five refugee girls now living in Yerevan share what has the past year been like
15 year-old Charlotte Wejchert interviews five refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh, now living in Yerevan
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August 15, 2024
Armenia’s annual wine festival features producers from Artsakh
The festival acts as an important space to represent Artsakhian culture and significance. Among the wine-making producers were companies originating from the disputed region of Artsakh
17 year-old Laura Danielyan reports on Yerevan’s annual Wine Days festival
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August 08, 2024
Should poaching and hunting be illegal?
Hunting is one of the oldest causes of animal extinction and endangerment. The problem is that prohibition could be financially disadvantageous – because many countries rely on the tourism and fashion industries, in which animals play an important part
15 year-old Lisindi Liyanage from Sri Lanka examines the morality and necessity of killing animals
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August 01, 2024
Against all odds: Afghan girls want to learn
The message is simple. Education for children is a fundamental right, and our gender should make no difference. Afghan girls are the strongest girls. Just let them improve and study. Allow them back into school
17 year-old Zohra shares the unwavering determination of Afghan girls to pursue their education
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July 16, 2024
Reasons to visit the Narayanhiti Palace Museum in Nepal
Narayanhiti Palace was turned into a museum after the monarchy was overthrown in Nepal and the country was declared a federal democratic republic. It was designed for kings, but now it is open to everyone. We found six interesting things about the palace that everyone must know
Students aged 11–18 from the OXSFJ Nepal Project share their experiences after a recent visit to this royal museum
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July 11, 2024
Interesting facts about the galaxy you should know about
Studying galaxies helps us understand the universe's history, structure and evolution, opening us up to an extraordinary space that we often overlook in our daily lives
16 year-old Sama explores the world beyond our solar system and facts about our universe
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June 27, 2024
The dangerous rise of diabetes in South Asia
The rate of diabetes is increasing drastically across the world, but particularly in developing countries such as Sri Lanka and India. With expensive treatments, there is a rising importance to follow precautions to better protect health expenditure
15 year-old Lisindi Liyanage explores the past, present and future of diabetes in Sri Lanka
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June 13, 2024
How human rights advocate Sima Samar inspired me to never give up
Sima Samar is a strong supporter and advocate for her people, and girls like me are continually inspired by her work to make our futures better. Girls can take note of these qualities, despite the restrictions they may face, and become great leaders
16 year-old Swita expresses admiration for Afghan human rights activist Sima Samar, and discusses the key attributes of a good leader
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May 30, 2024
Sri Lanka’s Moragahakanda dam project is an environmental disaster
The bar for one of Sri Lanka’s largest and supposedly most conservation-oriented development projects has been set so low that it has caused more damage than progress
14 year-old Hesandi Ravisinghe weighs up the pros and cons of a crucial irrigation project
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May 30, 2024
Meet five Harbingers’ students displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia
To “highlight the wealth that has been lost,” five teenage girls who fled Artsakh in the autumn of 2023 have joined the Armenian Newsroom of Harbingers’ Magazine
17 year-old Maria Mitko explains the background to Harbingers’ new Armenian newsroom
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May 23, 2024
To be or not to be… an international student
Being an international student, attending different schools, seeing other countries and experiencing new environments gives you a lot of opportunities. You are able to find what you like and what you are good at, improve yourself and be prepared for the future
14 year-old Anastasia Kulikova explains the advantages of studying abroad
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April 18, 2024
A guide to Holi – The Hindu festival of colour
Celebrated during the months of Chaitra and Falgun in the Nepali calendar, Holi is a major event. In the capital, Kathmandu, it is full of noisy laughing crowds of people splattered in different colours
Students aged 11-18 from the OXSFJ Nepal Project shared their celebration of Holi Festival
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April 11, 2024
How volunteers are helping to serve as a ‘beacon of hope’ in Afghanistan
Two years after the Taliban’s supposed temporary ban, another academic year has started, leaving girls in Afghanistan at a greater disadvantage. Inspired by the efforts of organisations to provide education to girls and women, I volunteered and witnessed the difference they can make
17 year-old Zohra on the resilient efforts of local organisations in providing life-changing opportunities to girls and young women in Afghanistan
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April 05, 2024
Hundreds of Sri Lankan elephant deaths are caused by human activity
Urbanisation and habitat loss has created a ‘frontline’ of worsening conflict between humans and elephants with deadly consequences for both
14 year-old Hesandi Ravisinghe on rising threats against the elephant population
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March 29, 2024
The importance of striking a healthy balance on social media
Social media is a realm where borders blur, friendships transcend geographical barriers, and voices resound across continents. But in the vast world of online platforms, we must use these tools wisely to avoid the growing dangers it can pose
17 year-old Shanhaza and 15 year-old Mahwa warn of the dangers hidden in social media’s vast potential
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March 22, 2024
What young Afghan women want to achieve in the world of technology
Despite bans on women’s education and rights in Afghanistan, technology is enabling them to look beyond their restrictive environment to gain more knowledge and chase their dreams
13 year-old Naziya surveys Afghan women on the potential of technology as a tool of income and education
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March 22, 2024
Ways to maintain a healthy and balance lifestyle
Taking time to focus on our habits, our lifestyle choices, and what we put into our bodies, can be difficult and sometimes confronting but taking care of yourself is important undertaking
16 year-old Swita shares her guide to living a healthier lifestyle
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March 08, 2024
Unique Nepali foods everyone must taste once in their life
Young people in Kathmandu shared with Harbingers’ the traditional dishes they would like every reader to try once landing themselves at the feet of the Himalayas
11 students from Nepal recommend outstanding Nepali cuisine
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March 01, 2024
10 things you should know about Nepal
From festivals and culture to world heritage sites and areas of natural beauty, teenage journalists in Kathmandu each share one fact about their home country Nepal
Teenagers aged 11-18 from the Mountain Children Home share the beauty of Nepal
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December 22, 2023
Helping hands - How Afghan girls are instrumental in providing education
Organisations such as LEARN have been helping girls get an underground education by providing online classes such as science and web design lessons. Through their help and kindness, the power to offer opportunities to others is then passed on into our hands
17 year-old Zohra on the inspiring goal of helping young people follow their dreams
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December 15, 2023
Nepal's historic equality milestone: First LGBTQ+ couple celebrate receiving marriage certificate
Last month marked a historic milestone for LGBTQ+ rights in Nepal, as the country officially documented the first same-sex marriage. Surendra Pandey, reflecting on this ground-breaking act said “this is a huge achievement not only for us but for all sexual and gender minorities”
16 year-old Jefferson He reports on minorities' rocky path towards legal marriages
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December 08, 2023
Dreaming of home: How Armenian teenagers navigate the exodus and loss of Nagorno-Karabakh
Through interviews, the impact of the humanitarian catastrophe on children, young people and families culminated in a shared dream to someday return to their homelands
16 year-old Jefferson He chronicles the humanitarian crisis in Armenia, from the takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh), and its profound impact on the youth
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November 24, 2023
Motivation is helping me face daily obstacles and it can help you too
Girls like me need all the motivation they can get to stay focused and overcome hardship. I’m 16 and I’m unable to get a proper education in my home country of Afghanistan. But I will not let those limitations determine my future
16 year-old Swita on finding daily inspiration and self-help
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November 17, 2023
Afghan teenager opens kindergarten to help children “fly off into the horizons of tomorrow”
Shanhaza, at the age of 15, opened her own kindergarten ‘Fly’ to provide free care for infants to equip younger generations with education and opportunity.
17 year-old Shanhaza on her dreams and goals in providing education
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October 20, 2023
‘Deranged cultural standards’ - How Sri Lanka’s misogyny is impeding its economic recovery
McKinsey Global Institute estimates that advancing gender equality in Sri Lanka could add $64 billion to its GDP by 2025
17 year-old Nadia Diakowska analyses a negative feedback loop between inequality and poverty
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September 30, 2023
Flowers for the Future enables Afghan students to “bloom”
Amidst challenges posed by the Taliban’s restrictions, the support from individuals around the world and organisations like FFF are “a source of inspiration”
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimanova interviews the student-run organisation that supports the ‘rights of students across the world to education’
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September 29, 2023
From nature trips to shop opening: how Afghan girls spent summer holidays
Afghanistan does not only mean crises and restrictions. It is a country filled with mesmerising landmarks, historical monuments, nature and a vibrant culture
Five students of the OXSFJ LEARN Afghan project share their summer experiences
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August 18, 2023
Meet nine Harbingers’ student journalists from Nepal’s ‘earthquake generation’
The people in Nepal are even better than the county’s stunning views. At the Mountain Children's House, an orphanage of 32 minors, I spoke to young people who eagerly shared their bold hopes and dreams
16 year-old Jefferson He introduces the newest Harbingers' project
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July 21, 2023
Days that marked Afghan girls’ lives
There are days in everyone’s lives that they mark the most regardless of being good or bad. Five students of the journalism learning project at Harbingers’ Magazine – Shanhaza (17), Swita (16), Zainab (13), Naziya (13) and Zohra (17) – interviewed each other to find out about the days that impacted them the most
13-17 year-old OXSFJ and LEARN Afghan students share their life experiences
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July 07, 2023
Meet five Afghan girls who dream big for their future
After the Taliban seized power in August 2021, they banned girls from receiving a high school education. Despite these hardships, they are still determined to achieve their goals
13-17 year-old students of the OXSFJ & LEARN Afghan Project share their aspirations
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March 03, 2023
‘Girls go missing, schools are closed down, teachers persecuted’. Fight for education in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan
Pashtana Dorani is the founder of an organisation running 'illegal' underground schools for girls in Afghanistan. She knows first-hand the struggles girls and those teaching them face since the US and their allies withdrew and the Taliban regained control of the country
16 year-old Sofiya Suleimenova interviews Afghan human rights activist
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September 13, 2022
Another Generation of War in Armenia. Living Everyday to the Fullest
In my village, we can hear any movements in the Azerbaijani military position. Such a close presence of the adversary army has negatively affected the mental state of the villagers, especially the young
Syuzanna Gyumshudyan examines the mental health of her peers two years after the bloody war over Nagorno Karabakh

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